Personal experience with Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios at The Reiki Council resulting in complaints filed with and the Chicago Better Business Bureau. Search results for frauds. The Better Bureau has removed or hidden the complaint, but details at are consistent with details at and


I thought I'd done my homework until I pursued help by filing a dispute with my credit card company. Then I realized I'd barely scratched the surface of information available. Still, I also have to say that the only thing I've found out so far that would have kept me from continuing with the Reiki Council and The Sanctuary School is that I should not have begun classes until I had payment information from TFC. Connie Vrenios had me using used books donated by a previous student for over a month, which was over half the time I was there. I had no business using their materials until they were "mine" and being paid for through the loan I thought was being submitted. Hopefully other would be students, from whom Rick Vrenios or Connie Vrenios request(s) a down payment from in order to submit a loan that doesn't end up submitted, may benefit from information provided below.

My Experience with Rick Vrenios, Connie Vrenios, Reiki Council and The Sanctuary School

This blog details an attempt to complete a Reiki-based massage therapy program at The Sanctuary School which was cut short by Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios who chose not to submit the loan we agreed to in writing. A scan of that loan application dated June 13 2007 is chronologically entered near the bottom of this page.

To clarify a point made by Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios' in their BBB response about me creating a "flurry of communications", 1) this began in pursuit of my $2000 downpayment; 2) it's unlikely attorneys are inclined to immerge themselves in dense, convoluted communications for issues like this. Surely most would glance at this mess and rightfully refuse involvement. Maybe Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios relied on offensively dense and convoluted communications to prevent legal pursuit. I can't speak for them, but I have a consistent history of being verbose, so again their accusation is baseless and unprovable.

This blog is intended to serve as a constructive outlet for this experience. Though I'll never know why this happened, I do want others to know Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios disappointed me to the core. I also want to believe someone else will be helped by not being similarly victimized. My biggest mistake with The Sanctuary School and the Reiki Council though was wanting to continue to trust after common sense said enough is enough. There could have been much more to say here, but I didn't journal as I should have. Much is already not posted here because it's mostly rambling while trying to determine where I went wrong.

Outside legal means, any representative for The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council who decides to contact me should email transparent and clear discussion and know it will all be posted here and backed up elsewhere. This blog will be edited for clarification, typos and updated to add evolving details, so it will remain a work in progress through the last communication.

Friday, December 14, 2007

December 14, 2007 complaint to ABMP

(altered only formatting for readability)

From: cs colvin
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 3:11:23 PM
Subject: ethics complaint

Good afternoon,

Attached is a report of complaints regarding Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios of the Reiki Council and formerly The Sanctuary School. If this should be forwarded elsewhere, please let me know. Though this is awkward, it seems necessary to follow through. Thank you for your time.

Catherine S. Colvin
cell.630 808 9317

To: ABMB Board of Directors
1271 Sugarbush Drive
Evergreen, Colorado 80439-9766
800 458 2267

From: Catherine S. Colvin
7928 Woodlyn Apt 107
Woodridge, IL 60517
cell.630 808 9317

Re: False claim to resolve an injury and details pertinent to a misappropriated $2000 down payment by Illinois licensed massage therapists and continuing education providers: Richard Vrenios and Constance Vrenios through the Reiki Council and The Sanctuary School at 799 Roosevelt Road, Building 6, Suite 016, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137; 630 790 3542.

Because a signed contract was not submitted to TFC, I was unable to complete the massage program and additional classes. Given this experience, pursuing Reiki must be started anew because I cannot regard Reiki instruction by Connie Vrenios or Rick Vrenios to be legitimate. Details are noted in BBB complaint # 94145268 and All documentation may be forwarded upon request. I apologize for redundancies. Note: “no response” in prior documentation has become “untimely response”. Events and steps toward resolution include:

1) Due to a 2003 certificate date that expired in 2007 and not completing the program for that certificate, I decided to attend The Sanctuary School. Rick Vrenios and I signed a binding monetary agreement, but my verbal and written requests for payment info were ignored until Rick Vrenios’ email dated August 3, 2007, which is mostly fabricated.

2) A dispute was filed with my credit card company and a $2000 charge is temporarily credited. A complaint was filed with the Chicago BBB. A BBB email was forwarded to Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios stating the complaint closed with an unsatisfactory report. They responded with more distortions. Those most clearly evidenced are noted below.

a. A few classes with Connie were said to be necessary to complete the 660-hour program. There was no tutoring in class 6 with the other 3 students or any other time.

b. Rick Vrenios’ and Connie Vrenios’ documentation falsely indicates 163 hours of tutoring, continuing education(?) as a Reiki Council member and 163 hours in the 660-hour massage program at The Sanctuary School. However,

i) there was no enrollment agreement, so I was not a student though I tried to be

ii) I did not become a Reiki Council member until after classes began

iii) the loan or contract specifies a 660-hour program with The Sanctuary School

iv) the Reiki Council was not part of the above written loan or contract agreement

v) from the third paragraph after number 8. of Rick Vrenios’ August 3, 2007 email:
“Since joining the class, you have completed 163 hours of the 660 hour program.”

vi) from page 1 of the BBB complaint regarding continuing education:
“The Reiki Council is also a membership organization. Under state law, “in house education” (education presented for members, or educators hired by a company to teach staff) is not required to be under the jurisdiction of the ISBE. Ms. Colvin was a member and therefore fell under this category as well.”

vii) from page 13, third paragraph of the BBB complaint:
“But she states that because she didn’t get her imaginary “loan”, the 163 hours of tutoring has no value.”

c. The 11/20/07 BBB response falsely claims an injury was resolved for me in a private tutoring session. It remains functionally unchanged for about two years.

i) from page 15 of the BBB complaint regarding the chronic injury claim:
“She had a chronic injury that limited her ability to work as a massage therapist for four years. In a private tutoring session, the issue was resolved in less than ten minutes providing her with valuable relief, and valuable training in self-care and therapeutic work.”

3) If continuing education providers were bound by the same ethics as licensed massage therapists, as both, Connie Vrenios’ and Rick Vrenios’ actions through The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council violate ABMP’s criteria for, though not limited to:

a. Professionalism
I shall maintain the highest standards of professional conduct, providing services in an ethical and professional manner in relation to my clientele, business associates, health care professionals, and the general public.

b. Scope of Practice / Appropriate Techniques
I will not employ those massage, bodywork or skin care techniques for which I have not had adequate training and shall represent my education, training, qualifications and abilities honestly. (Surgery is required to resolve this particular injury.)

c. Image / Advertising Claims
I shall not make false claims regarding the potential benefits of the techniques rendered.

4) With the exception of unrelated and confidential personal information of others, the ABMP Board of Directors may disclose all information in this and related complaints to Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios of The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council, and any legal counsel or experts deemed necessary by the ABMP to process this complaint.

I sincerely regret the need to report this complaint. The time and attention of all presiding in this matter is much appreciated. Perhaps these efforts will prevent similar events in the future.

Catherine S. Colvin

December 14, 2007 complaint to local AMTA Illinois Chapter

(altered only formatting for readability)

From: cs colvin
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 2:52:15 PM
Subject: ethics complaint

Good afternoon,

Attached is a complaint regarding Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios of the Reiki Council and formerly The Sanctuary School. If this should be forwarded elsewhere, please let me know. Though this is awkward, it seems necessary to follow through. Thank you for your time.

Catherine S. Colvin
AMTA member# 150599
cell.630 808 9317

Friday, December 14, 2007

To: AMTA IL Chapter Board of Directors
140 North Bloomingdale Road
Bloomingdale, Illinois 60108-1017
630 980 4740

From: Catherine S. Colvin
7928 Woodlyn Apt 107
Woodridge, IL 60517
cell.630 808 9317

Re: False claim to resolve an injury and details pertinent to a misappropriated $2000 down payment by Illinois licensed massage therapists, continuing education providers: Richard Vrenios and Constance Vrenios through the Reiki Council and The Sanctuary School (listed here on the AMTA Council of Schools list) at 799 Roosevelt Road, Building 6, Suite 016, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137; 630 790 3542.

Because a signed contract was not submitted to TFC, I was unable to complete the massage program and additional classes. Given this experience, pursuing Reiki must be started anew because I cannot regard Reiki instruction by Connie Vrenios or Rick Vrenios to be legitimate. Details are noted in BBB complaint # 94145268 and All documentation may be forwarded upon request. I apologize for redundancies. Note: “no response” in prior documentation has become “untimely response”. Events and steps toward resolution include:

1) Due to a 2003 certificate date that expired in 2007 and not completing the program for that certificate, I decided to attend The Sanctuary School. Rick Vrenios and I signed a binding monetary agreement, but my verbal and written requests for payment info were ignored until Rick Vrenios’ email dated August 3, 2007, which is mostly fabricated.

2) A dispute was filed with my credit card company and a $2000 charge is temporarily credited. A complaint was filed with the Chicago BBB. A BBB email was forwarded to Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios stating the complaint closed with an unsatisfactory report. They responded with more distortions. Those most clearly evidenced are noted below.

a. A few classes with Connie were said to be necessary to complete the 660-hour program. There was no tutoring in class 6 with the other 3 students or any other time.

b. Rick Vrenios’ and Connie Vrenios’ documentation falsely indicates 163 hours of tutoring, continuing education(?) as a Reiki Council member and 163 hours in the 660-hour massage program at The Sanctuary School. However,

i) there was no enrollment agreement, so I was not a student though I tried to be

ii) I did not become a Reiki Council member until after classes began

iii) the loan or contract specifies a 660-hour program with The Sanctuary School

iv) the Reiki Council was not part of the above written loan or contract agreement

v) from the third paragraph after number 8. of Rick Vrenios’ August 3, 2007 email:
“Since joining the class, you have completed 163 hours of the 660 hour program.”

vi) from page 1 of the BBB complaint regarding continuing education:
“The Reiki Council is also a membership organization. Under state law, “in house education” (education presented for members, or educators hired by a company to teach staff) is not required to be under the jurisdiction of the ISBE. Ms. Colvin was a member and therefore fell under this category as well.”

vii) from page 13, third paragraph of the BBB complaint:
“But she states that because she didn’t get her imaginary “loan”, the 163 hours of tutoring has no value.”

c. The 11/20/07 BBB response falsely claims an injury was resolved for me in a private tutoring session. It remains functionally unchanged for about two years.

i) from page 15 of the BBB complaint regarding the chronic injury claim:
“She had a chronic injury that limited her ability to work as a massage therapist for four years. In a private tutoring session, the issue was resolved in less than ten minutes providing her with valuable relief, and valuable training in self-care and therapeutic work.”

3) If continuing education providers were bound by the same ethics as licensed massage therapists, and as both, Connie Vrenios’ and Rick Vrenios’ actions through The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council violate AMTA’s Code of Ethics, specifically:

Acknowledge the confidential nature of the professional relationship with clients and respect each client's right to privacy. (Rick Vrenios ended a class by stating and naming a member, student and close friend was having a suicidal episode. Connie Vrenios assured me this happened “all the time” and had been ongoing for years.)

Conduct all business and professional activities within their scope of practice, the law of the land, and project a professional image. (Throughout my association with Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios through The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council.

4) With the exception of unrelated and confidential personal information of others, the AMTA Board of Directors may disclose all information in this and related complaints to Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios of The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council, and any legal counsel or experts deemed necessary by the AMTA to process this complaint.

I sincerely regret the need to report this complaint. The time and attention of all presiding in this matter is much appreciated. Perhaps these efforts will prevent similar events in the future.

Catherine S. Colvin


December 14, 2007 complaint to national AMTA

(altered only formatting for readability)

From: cs colvin
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 2:36:35 PM
Subject: ethics complaint

Good afternoon,

Attached is a complaint regarding Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios of the Reiki Council and formerly The Sanctuary School. If this should be forwarded elsewhere, please let me know. Though this is awkward, it seems necessary to follow through. Thank you for your time.

Catherine S. Colvin
AMTA member# 150599
cell.630 808 9317

Friday, December 14, 2007

To: AMTA Board of Directors
500 Davis Street, Suite 900
Evanston, IL 60201-4695
847 864 0123

From: Catherine S. Colvin
7928 Woodlyn Apt 107
Woodridge, IL 60517
cell.630 808 9317

Re: False claim to resolve an injury and details pertinent to a misappropriated $2000 down payment by Illinois licensed massage therapists, continuing education providers: Richard Vrenios and Constance Vrenios through the Reiki Council and The Sanctuary School (listed here on the AMTA Council of Schools list) at 799 Roosevelt Road, Building 6, Suite 016, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137; 630 790 3542.

Because a signed contract was not submitted to TFC, I was unable to complete the massage program and additional classes. Given this experience, pursuing Reiki must be started anew because I cannot regard Reiki instruction by Connie Vrenios or Rick Vrenios to be legitimate. Details are noted in BBB complaint # 94145268 and All documentation may be forwarded upon request. I apologize for redundancies. Note: “no response” in prior documentation has become “untimely response”. Events and steps toward resolution include:

1) Due to a 2003 certificate date that expired in 2007 and not completing the program for that certificate, I decided to attend The Sanctuary School. Rick Vrenios and I signed a binding monetary agreement, but my verbal and written requests for payment info were ignored until Rick Vrenios’ email dated August 3, 2007, which is mostly fabricated.

2) A dispute was filed with my credit card company and a $2000 charge is temporarily credited. A complaint was filed with the Chicago BBB. A BBB email was forwarded to Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios stating the complaint closed with an unsatisfactory report. They responded with more distortions. Those most clearly evidenced are noted below.

a. A few classes with Connie were said to be necessary to complete the 660-hour program. There was no tutoring in class 6 with the other 3 students or any other time.

b. Rick Vrenios’ and Connie Vrenios’ documentation falsely indicates 163 hours of tutoring, continuing education(?) as a Reiki Council member and 163 hours in the 660-hour massage program at The Sanctuary School. However,

i) there was no enrollment agreement, so I was not a student though I tried to be

ii) I did not become a Reiki Council member until after classes began

iii) the loan or contract specifies a 660-hour program with The Sanctuary School

iv) the Reiki Council was not part of the above written loan or contract agreement

v) from the third paragraph after number 8. of Rick Vrenios’ August 3, 2007 email:
“Since joining the class, you have completed 163 hours of the 660 hour program.”

vi) from page 1 of the BBB complaint regarding continuing education:
“The Reiki Council is also a membership organization. Under state law, “in house education” (education presented for members, or educators hired by a company to teach staff) is not required to be under the jurisdiction of the ISBE. Ms. Colvin was a member and therefore fell under this category as well.”

vii) from page 13, third paragraph of the BBB complaint:
“But she states that because she didn’t get her imaginary “loan”, the 163 hours of tutoring has no value.”

c. The 11/20/07 BBB response falsely claims an injury was resolved for me in a private tutoring session. It remains functionally unchanged for about two years.

i) from page 15 of the BBB complaint regarding the chronic injury claim:
“She had a chronic injury that limited her ability to work as a massage therapist for four years. In a private tutoring session, the issue was resolved in less than ten minutes providing her with valuable relief, and valuable training in self-care and therapeutic work.”

3) If continuing education providers were bound by the same ethics as licensed massage therapists, and as both, Connie Vrenios’ and Rick Vrenios’ actions through The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council violate AMTA’s Code of Ethics, specifically:

Acknowledge the confidential nature of the professional relationship with clients and respect each client's right to privacy. (Rick Vrenios ended a class by stating and naming a member, student and close friend was having a suicidal episode. Connie Vrenios assured me this happened “all the time” and had been ongoing for years.)

Conduct all business and professional activities within their scope of practice, the law of the land, and project a professional image. (Throughout my association with Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios through The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council.

4) With the exception of unrelated and confidential personal information of others, the AMTA Board of Directors may disclose all information in this and related complaints to Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios of The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council, and any legal counsel or experts deemed necessary by the AMTA to process this complaint.

I sincerely regret the need to report this complaint. The time and attention of all presiding in this matter is much appreciated. Perhaps these efforts will prevent similar events in the future.

Catherine S. Colvin


December 12, 2007 received acknowledgment of NCBTMB complaint


Tuesday, December 11, 2007 NCBTMB complaint acknowledgment

December 7, 2007 NCBTMB complaint

(altered only formatting for readability)

Friday, December 7, 2007

To: Mark Lausch
1901 S. Meyers Road, Suite 240
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181-5243
630 627 8000

From: Catherine S. Colvin
7928 Woodlyn Apt 107
Woodridge, IL 60517
cell.630 808 9317

Re: Claim to resolve a chronic injury and details pertinent to the mishandling of a $2000 down payment by: Richard Vrenios and Constance Vrenios and Reiki Council and The Sanctuary School at 799 Roosevelt Road, Building 6, Suite 016, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137; 630 790 3542.

The most recent details are noted in Chicago Better Business Bureau Complaint # 94145268. Chronological communications and scanned documents may be viewed and printed from The BBB complaint and responses should provide a grasp of what appears to have transpired. Note: “no response” in prior documentation is now more accurately described as “untimely response”. Steps taken include:

1) Loan info was requested a few times verbally and twice in writing. Efforts to determine and resolve whatever was holding up submission of the loan were eventually responded to by Rick Vrenios in an email dated August 3, 2007 which seemed intimidating though mostly fabricated.

2) Because this situation was not rectified, a dispute was filed with my credit card company. The $2000 charge is temporarily credited while the dispute continues.

3) To support the dispute I filed a complaint with the Chicago Better Business Bureau which closed with no response. After forwarding an email from the BBB to Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios stating the complaint closed with an unsatisfactory report, they responded with more distortions and false statements. Those most clearly evidenced are noted below.

a. There was no tutoring. Other than a math class many years ago, I’ve had no tutoring and did not accept or claimed to be tutored in any documentation. There were a few private discussions and classes with Connie and me; said to be necessary to catch up in the 660-hour program.

b. Rick Vrenios’ and Connie Vrenios’ written responses state I received continuing education while claiming the same 163 hours used for tutoring as a member of the Reiki Council were also used for the 660-hour massage program in The Sanctuary School. So, a few odd facts have accumulated: 1) without an enrollment agreement I wasn’t a student; 2) the ability to practice without a license due to a prior certificate date in 2003 had expired; 3) I did not become a Reiki Council member until after classes began; 3) the loan or contract signed by Rick Vrenios and myself is for a 660-hour program with The Sanctuary School; 4) classes with the Reiki Council were not part of that written agreement.

c. Their 11/20/07 BBB response claims a chronic injury was resolved for me in a private tutoring session. No service or treatment of any kind was provided for or applied to that injury. That injury remains functionally unchanged for approximately the last two years.

d. This complaint includes the Reiki Council because of claims above and its owners’ actions toward me. If I pursue Reiki instruction, there’s no choice but to start anew because receiving an attunement from someone who lacks ability to apply their words to their practice represents a farce.

(from the third paragraph after number 8. of Rick Vrenios’ August 3, 2007 email)
“Since joining the class, you have completed 163 hours of the 660 hour program.”

(from page 1 of the BBB complaint regarding continuing education)
“The Reiki Council is also a membership organization. Under state law, “in house education” (education presented for members, or educators hired by a company to teach staff) is not required to be under the jurisdiction of the ISBE. Ms. Colvin was a member and therefore fell under this category as well.”

(from page 13, third paragraph of the BBB complaint)
“But she states that because she didn’t get her imaginary “loan”, the 163 hours of tutoring has no value.”

(from page 15 of the BBB complaint regarding the chronic injury claim)
“She had a chronic injury that limited her ability to work as a massage therapist for four years. In a private tutoring session, the issue was resolved in less than ten minutes providing her with valuable relief, and valuable training in self-care and therapeutic work.”

4) False claims like those above appear to violate VII and XV of the NCBTMB’s Code of Ethics. The BBB complaint contains additional dishonest statements by Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios. Dozens of pages of documentation have accumulated because I didn’t know how to proceed and I apologize for redundancies. As much as possible has been documented while hoping an appropriate authority can decide what is best done with any of this information so others might have an opportunity to avoid a similar experience. The four-page BBB rebuttal dated 11/29/2007 attempts to provide a complete picture as best I comprehend so far. The BBB complaint is public and credit card dispute documentation is available upon request if needed.

5) The NCBTMB Ethics and Standards Committee may disclose all information in this and related complaints to Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios of The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council, the members of NCBTMB’s Ethics and Standards Committee and Investigative Panel, NCBTMB staff, NCBTMB legal counsel and experts involved in handling the complaint. I don’t know what I’m allowed to know, but having spent considerable time following up with this, I would like to be made aware of what is ethically possible without breaching existing protocols.

I sincerely regret the need to file this complaint and the time and attention of all presiding in this matter is much appreciated.

Catherine S. Colvin

December 5, 2007 BBB Kimberly Mullen thank you

From: cs colvin
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2007 4:48:56 PM
Subject: complaints 94145268 and 94145903

Thank you, Ms. Mullen.

Catherine S. Colvin

December 5, 2007 BBB Kimberly Mullen states third complaint combined with first and offending response removed

From: Kimberly Mullen
To: cs colvin
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2007 4:25:14 PM
Subject: RE: complaints 94145268 and 94145903

Dear Ms. Colvin,

The two complaints have been combined. Your only complaint number is 94145268. The response you state you never posted has been removed.

Kimberly Mullen
Assistant Manager - Personal Services
Ph: 312-832-0500
Fax: 312-832-9985

December 5, 2007 asking why 11/09/2007 post was moved and again for follow up with second complaint

From: cs colvin
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2007 2:40:20 PM
Subject: complaints 94145268 and 94145903

Ms. Mullen,

Why was my 11/09/07 response posted in notes where it can't be viewed? Since that can be done, why isn't the incorrect response on 11/28/07 NOT made by me moved to publicly invisible notes like my 11/09/07 post was?

It's disturbing to find even one of my responses is buried in publicly invisible notes while an incorrect entry made on my behalf without my permission is allowed to remain publicly viewable. How will this be corrected?

Though it might seem rude to ask repeatedly, when will there be an update to complaint # 94145903 for the Reiki Council? Is that pending the outcome of this complaint? If not, why has there been no update?

Catherine S. Colvin

December 5, 2007 BBB Kimberly Mullen responds to requests for follow up with removed post

From: Kimberly Mullen
To: cs colvin
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2007 2:12:58 PM
Subject: RE: complaints 94145268 and 94145903

Ms. Colvin,

The company has been made aware that you are not satisfied with their initial response. I have forwarded them the correct rebuttal you issued. The information that was posted by you on 11-09-07 has been documented in the notes of this case. We are currently waiting for the company to respond to your rebuttal, which was sent to them on 11-29-07. Any activity on this complaint will be handled by me or Maria D eCourtney.


Kimberly Mullen
Assistant Manager - Personal Services
Ph: 312-832-0500
Fax: 312-832-9985

December 5, 2007 BBB another request for follow up with removed post and second complaint

From: cs colvin
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2007 2:01:35 PM
Subject: complaints 94145268 and 94145903

Ms. Mullen,

It's unclear what will be done about the inaccurate response in the complaint that was not made by me. Because it misrepresents me entirely and I did not state any thing of the kind to anyone, how will that be resolved? If it cannot be removed like my response on 11/09/07 was, will that entry be corrected to show the 11/20/07 response from the business was not accepted by me?

Also, who will be following up what happened with the response from 11/09/07 that was removed from complaint # 94145268, as well as there being no update from the BBB for the second complaint # 94145903 submitted at Denise Hines' direction for the Reiki Council?

Thank you for all your assistance.

Catherine S. Colvin

December 5, 2007 BBB request for follow up with removed post and second complaint

From: cs colvin
To: kmullen@chicago.bbb.or
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2007 1:36:29 PM
Subject: complaint 94145268 and 94145903

Ms. Mullen,

Thank you. I do appreciate that the complaint was reopened, my rebuttal is attached, and that we are waiting for the business to respond.

Will someone be following up what happened with the response from 11/09/07 that was removed from complaint # 94145268, as well as there being no update from the BBB for the second complaint # 94145903 submitted at Denise Hines' direction for the Reiki Council?

Catherine S. Colvin

December 5, 2007 BBB Kimberly Mullen reopened complaint and posted my response

From: Kimberly Mullen
To: cs colvin
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2007 12:23:42 PM
Subject: RE: complaint 94145268 and removed response attached

Dear Ms. Colvin,

I received your rebuttal on 11-29-07. I attached the rebuttal to the complaint file and reopened the complaint. I am currently waiting for the school to respond to your rebuttal.

Kimberly Mullen
Assistant Manager - Personal Services
Ph: 312-832-0500
Fax: 312-832-9985

December 05, 2007 IDPR complaint

(Complaint filed with IDPR here )

In BBB complaint # 94145268 response dated 11/20/07, Constance Vrenios and Richard Vrenios are licensed massage therapists who falsely claim a chronic injury was resolved for me. At, it is stated near the top of page 15, "She had a chronic injury that limited her ability to work as a massage therapist for four years. In a private tutoring session, the issue was resolved in less than ten minutes providing her with valuable relief, and valuable training in self-care and therapeutic work." That statement is mostly fabricated because 1) the injury did not prevent me from practicing massage for four years - it was closer to two years and Connie Vrenios was told this; 2) there was no tutoring and the only private discussions occurred between Connie Vrenios and me; 3) nothing was done specifically for this injury and would be unlikely since their claim indicates neither Rick Vrenios or Connie Vrenios recalls the nature of the chronic injury; 4) the subject injury remains unchanged for the last two years; 5) according to two surgeons, surgery is required to address the problem; 6) no relief was provided as claimed; 7) no training in self-care was provided as claimed. If needed, films are available that identify the chronic injury and why it remains visibly present.

November 29, 2007 reiteration that I did not respond to the BBB complaint as described by Kimberly Mullen

From: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 10:43:44 PM
Subject: Fw: response attached for complaint 94145268

Ms. Mullen,

It's not my intention to be unkind and I would have preferred not to respond further about the complaint closed early and without my response. But as long as anyone insists I did or said something I did not, I am compelled to firmly disagree. I am also obligated to those investigating this matter on my behalf to do what I can for myself. The actions of the complaint do not clearly show it was me who closed the complaint, and:

1) I had already informed Ms. De Courtenay around 5:15pm yesterday evening that a response would be posted this morning. This afternoon Fran with the Chicago BBB called responding to voicemail left earlier yesterday requesting assistance with posting an attachment to the subject complaint. So at least two other BBB staff members knew I intended to post a response with an attachment. Staff at TFC, IDPR and the credit card company's Member Services department also knew a lengthy response would be posted today. Collectively, all this indicates is several people were aware I intended to respond with an attachment. A few may have been somewhat surprised if I had not posted one and very surprised when the complaint closed with a commentary contradicting everything I've stated and supported in the dispute, complaint and responses.

2) I don't use words contextually or grammatically as phrased in the closed commentary today. After reading a little of what I've written for this complaint, it's unlikely anyone would believe I posted that comment.

"Consumer Satisfied- with Letter" and "(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) They have clear communication on all points and seem to document very well all argument mis-represented by the accusor."

a. I am obviously not satisfied.
b. I've made no indication to anyone that the "response from the business" was accepted such that it was ok to close the complaint before the 10 days were up and without my response.
c. In my response posted today, it's easily apparent we do not "have clear communications on all points".
d. Though Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios are well educated, excellent speakers, of all the good things I could say about them even while supporting this dispute, none could include good documentation. It takes more than volume to create good documentation.
e. How is it believable that I would comment saying I misrepresented arguments after spending a substantial amount of time and effort proving I am correct for months now?

3) Though I make mistakes too often for my own satisfaction, I use spell check regularly and am unlikely to have made four spelling errors in a single sentence. (Note: A correction from the previous email: "The fate of consumers should be left to such thoughtlessness." should read "should not be left".)

4) Maybe the complaint was closed early today without my response the same way a response posted on 11/09/2007 was removed. The activity report that appears in is attached to this email.

5) Because the response on 11/09/2007 was removed from complaint # 94145268 - something consumers cannot do - and you had not responded to my voicemail and email, I did assume it was you who closed the complaint today. If this is not true, then perhaps this is a problem that justifies a closer look to figure out how complaint activities may be edited for consumers when they should not be. If I'm wrong, I owe you an apology. If not, $2000 is still a lot of money to my family and other people could lose much more if something like that happened to them.

I am also still waiting for a response to my previous email and voicemail about there being no update for the second complaint filed for the Reiki Council, complaint # 94145903, resubmitted at Denise Hine's direction.

Catherine S. Colvin

November 29, 2007 BBB Kimberly Mullen states she did not close the complaint

From: Kimberly Mullen
To: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:42:05 PM
Subject: RE: response attached for complaint 94145268

Dear Ms. Colvin,

As I mention before, I did not close your complaint. As I look at the actions of the complaint, I show it was closed because the consumer (you) accepted the response from the company. I was not playing God. I had no knowledge that the complaint closed out until you emailed us. There has obviously been a misunderstanding.


Kimberly Mullen
Assistant Manager - Personal Services
Ph: 312-832-0500
Fax: 312-832-9985

November 29, 2007 BBB thank you Maria DeCourtenay

From: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:21:44 PM
Subject: thank you Fw: response attached for complaint 94145268

I cannot thank you enough for following up with this so expeditiously. You've really made my day.

Catherine S. Colvin

November 29, 2007 complaint# 94145268 was not responded to by me on 11/28/2007

From: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:20:20 PM
Subject: Fw: response attached for complaint 94145268

Ms. Mullen,

For posterity's sake, I have not provided anyone at the Chicago BBB verbal or written indication of any kind that the company had an understanding of my complaint or that their response was acceptable. Except the two recent calls to Ms. De Courtenay and related emails today only, there has been no other contact between myself and the Chicago BBB for some time because you had not responded to my last email and voicemail.

I have had nothing but respect for the Better Business Bureau for so many years. It is truly disappointing to be treated like this as a consumer filing a complaint for the first time about a serious matter. I sincerely hope other BBB staff don't play God with consumers like this. What an awful thing to do. The commentary on the BBB complaint does not represent what actually transpired so now I am effectively misrepresented, however momentarily; and the time of several people has been wasted by unnecessary communications. The fate of consumers should be left to such thoughtlessness.

Very Sincerely,
Catherine S. Colvin

November 29, 2007 BBB Kimberly Mullen stating complaint# 94145268 was reopened

From: Kimberly Mullen
To: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 2:52:57 PM
Subject: RE: response attached for complaint 94145268

Dear Ms. Colvin,

I have reopened the complaint as you requested. You accidentally closed it yesterday when you stated that the company had an understanding of you complaint and accepted the response.

Kimberly Mullen
Assistant Manager - Personal Services
Ph: 312-832-0500
Fax: 312-832-9985

November 29, 2007 BBB Denise Hines referring communications to Kimberly Mullen complaint# 94145268

From: Denise Hines
To: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 2:11:20 PM
Subject: RE: response attached for complaint 94145268

Good Afternoon

Any further correspondence you have pertaining to your complaint, please send to Ms. Mullen (the manager that is handling your complaint) or Ms. De Courtenay (Ms. Mullen’s supervisor). I only process complaints. Once a complaint has been assigned to a manager (Ms. Mullen), I have no more connection with the complaint or the consumer.

Have a good day

Denise Hines
Assistant Manager, Intake Services
Chicago BBB

November 29, 2007 BBB requesting complaint# 94145268 be reopened and my response be posted

From: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 1:51:22 PM
Subject: Fw: response attached for complaint 94145268

Ms. De Courtenay,

I realize there hasn't been much time to address this, however tomorrow is the 10th day. It seems prudent not to wait much longer if this is to be corrected within the 10-day deadline. Your patience and attention to this matter is very much appreciated.

Because I believe the current closed comment in complaint # 94145268 can be used to deny the $2000 refund this complaint is based on, I am forwarding these emails and the attached response to my credit card company so they know I disagree with the current closed response, and that the complaint was closed before the ten days was up without my response which was received by the Chicago BBB before the 10-day deadline.

Again, I apologize for following up so soon, but the 10-day deadline doesn't allow much more time. Since there was a way for the other party's response to be posted after the complaint closed the first time, I have every confidence my attached response will be posted as theirs was. Thanks again for your assistance and follow up.

Catherine S. Colvin
cell 630 808 9317

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 11:41:17 AM
Subject: Fw: response attached for complaint 94145268

Ms. Hines and Ms. Mullen,

Because there was no response to recent voicemail and email, I called the Chicago BBB yesterday and was transferred to Ms. De Courtenay. We spoke yesterday evening about how to get an attachment posted and Ms. De Courtenay instructed me to send the attached response to her.

Per your email sent to me on 11/21/2007, the 10-day period has not ended so it's also unclear why this was closed early.

"The details of the complaint (including the business' response) can be accessed by clicking here. Please be sure to indicate whether the company's response is satisfactory or not within ten (10) days."

This is a request to reopen the complaint, as done for the other party and post the response attached to this email. I can be contacted at 630 808 9317 if needed. Thank you for your assistance.

Catherine S. Colvin

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 10:17:38 AM
Subject: response attached for complaint 94145268

Thank you so much, Ms. De Courtenay.

Very Sincerely,
Catherine S. Colvin

November 29, 2007 BBB complaint# 94145268 closed early without my response

From: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 11:41:17 AM
Subject: Fw: response attached for complaint 94145268

Ms. Hines and Ms. Mullen,

Because there was no response to recent voicemail and email, I called the Chicago BBB yesterday and was transferred to Ms. De Courtenay. We spoke yesterday evening about how to get an attachment posted and Ms. De Courtenay instructed me to send the attached response to her.

Per your email sent to me on 11/21/2007, the 10-day period has not ended so it's also unclear why this was closed early.

"The details of the complaint (including the business' response) can be accessed by clicking here. Please be sure to indicate whether the company's response is satisfactory or not within ten (10) days."

This is a request to reopen the complaint, as done for the other party and post the response attached to this email. I can be contacted at 630 808 9317 if needed. Thank you for your assistance.

Catherine S. Colvin

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 10:17:38 AM
Subject: response attached for complaint 94145268

Thank you so much, Ms. De Courtenay.

Very Sincerely,
Catherine S. Colvin

November 29, 2007 BBB screenshot of complaint# 94145268 closed early without my knowledge or response

Thursday, November 29, 2007 BBB complaint 94145268 closed early

November 29, 2007 BBB my rebuttal to complaint# 94145268 sent to Ms. De Courtenay who had it posted

(Just sent to Ms. De Courtenay at the Chicago BBB so this doesn't appear on the BBB response link yet. The scanned images in the response are already posted further down on this page chronologically within other posts.)

November 29, 2007 response to BBB complaint # 94145268.

This focuses on the loan or contract, 06/13/2007 transaction for $2000, false accusation of investigation, post, false claim to heal a chronic injury, inability to prove defamation, Connie Vrenios’ handwritten note, Find A Therapist screenshot and inaccurate transcript each representing efforts to deceive from the beginning to present association with them.

1) On November 28, 2007 I called TFC at (800) 832-5626. It was confirmed this loan or contract is a binding agreement. The TFC representative confirmed there is no information about this contract in their system and was concerned this form was used to obtain $2000 without submitting the contract.

2) Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios did not provide proof to support their statements. This complaint was not acted on until after a BBB email was forwarded from me to Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios that stated the complaint closed with no response and an unsatisfactory record.

3) The refund reflected above remains in dispute, but combining facts with this muddied dialogue builds a clearer picture. The loan or contract above is the only written agreement. It appears Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios just wanted $2000. Based on my 600-hour certificate they claim 163 hours of inhouse, continuing and tutoring education, but how can the same 163 hours be used simultaneously as stated? How can anyone be definitionally tutored with a few to a dozen people in most classes? There is also this email from Connie Vrenios:

From: Connie Vrenios
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:33:42 PM
Subject: your note & etc.

Hi Catherine -

We received your note - Yes, you are scheduled for this weekend’s Reiki-ssage I class if you wish to continue. If you have the time tomorrow, please come in after 12 - before 12 it’s too busy - & we can talk about things.

Rick said to tell you that since TFC levies their fees from the time they receive the application, he hadn’t faxed in your paperwork yet - has to do with fiscal responsibility, not your student status. OK, breathe now.

I’ll give you a call in the morning - I wasn’t sure how late you stay up & didn’t want to disturb your household.


4) The blogs are tracking communications chronologically. I won’t make it easier for Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios to scam others by hiding from what they did to me. They blogs are: – a few early posts and one recent

5) What Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios consider proof is questionable. Among other things Connie Vrenios and or Rick Vrenios a) lied about the loan or contract, even calling it imaginary; b) attempted to use Connie Vrenios’ handwritten note as proof of licensure; c) inferred a Find A Therapist utility was proof of practicing without a license when they could have suggested d) miscalculated he transcript; e) did not provide tutoring or continuing education to me; and f) lied stating I refused an offer when none was made “within the week” per their email.

6) The Health Investigations Unit for IDPR can be contacted at 312 814 4599 to confirm no complaint was filed against me and I am not being investigated.

7) The loan or contract was supposed to pay for books which Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios now have. They were returned to the reception area in exactly the same condition they were given to me – like new, unused and in excellent condition. There were no receipts, therefore no proof.

8) Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios are unable to prove defamation or collusion specific to me. No one asked me not to post related emails and it may help me, but I have not asked permission and some contain what is generally considered confidential personal information. Instead they will be forwarded to my credit card company with a specific request not to share them publicly or with individuals including Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios who claim to already have them and having shown me they cannot be trusted with other people’s confidences.

9) Neither Connie Vrenios or Rick Vrenios or anyone affiliated with them or their schools has healed any part of me in any way. It’s unlikely either would claim to have healed that chronic injury if they remembered what it was.

10) The quoted post below on was made over two months ago while still pursuing massage therapy. I posted a second time just to be sure no one missed it.

Thank you for the opportunity to present this information.

Catherine S. Colvin

November 29, 2007 11:18:16 requesting assistance from Maria DeCourtenay

From: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 11:18:16 AM
Subject: Fw: response attached for complaint 94145268

My response was not posted. What do I do?

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
They have clear communication on all points and seem to document very well all argument mis-represented by the accusor.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 10:17:38 AM
Subject: response attached for complaint 94145268

Thank you so much, Ms. De Courtenay.

Very Sincerely,
Catherine S. Colvin

November 28 2007 post referenced in Rick Vrenios' and Connie Vrenios' 11/20/2007 BBB response


Wednesday, November 28 2007 post

November 27, 2007 appointment with career counselor

Self explanatory, though during our last appointment in August I was instructed to make this appointment just prior to the beginning of class registration for new students at a local community college. This provides more chronologically useful perspective pertinent to my intent and personal endeavors.

November 23, 2007 The Sanctuary School website expired

In July 2007 when Connie Vrenios, formerly of The Sanctuary School and continuing with the Reiki Council and Reiki Facelift, suggested I be in the next massage program, when might that have been? The school closed on October 26, 2007 and that school's website is down which corroborates Rick Vrenios' and Connie Vrenios' statements in a BBB response that they planned to close this fall and before I began taking classes. From CompleteWhois:


Not Applicable
Rick Vrenios (
365 E. Irving Park Road
Wood Dale
Tel. +00.6309265891
Fax. +00.6308607038

Creation Date: 23-Nov-2005
Expiration Date: 23-Nov-2007


Note: This Domain Name has expired. In this status the domain name is inactive. This domain name will be activated once it is renewed. The Owner of this domain name can renew this domain name from their control panel. If this domain name is not renewed by 23-Dec-2007, it will be permanently deleted.

>end snip<

November 21, 2007 BBB notification for complaint# 94145268 that the business responded

From: Better Business Bureau
To: Catherine S Colvin
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 5:30:34 AM
Subject: BBB Complaint Case#94145268(Ref#36-88256659-94145268-15-1100)

Complaint ID#: 94145268
Business Name: The Sanctuary School of Therapeutic Massage and En

The BBB has received a response from the business in the above referenced complaint case. Please review their response to your original complaint and advise us of your position in the matter. The response may have already been mailed to you by the company. The details of the complaint (including the business' response) can be accessed by clicking here. Please be sure to indicate whether the company's response is satisfactory or not within ten (10) days. If you are not satisfied with the company's response and wish to provide additional information relevant to your complaint, please submit it with your rebuttal by the aforementioned date. If the Bureau does not receive a response from you within ten (10) days, your complaint will close as Assumed Resolved.

Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is a general e-mail address, please use the ONLINE COMPLAINT system. If the above link does not work for you, please copy and paste this URL into your browser:
{\b }


Kimberly Mullen
Assistant Manager, Personal Services

November 20, 2007 Rick and Connie Vrenios respond to the Better Business Bureau Complaint after it closed

Dear Ms. Mullen;

With regard to Case #94145268, this has been a perfect example of “no good deed goes unpunished.” The last six months have been a sad and painful hurricane of false accusations and damaging lies against us. In fact, as late as November 14, we received additional information from our credit card processing company that clearly shows significant contradictions to her story on many points.

Ms. Colvin has engaged in what I believe to be collusion/conspiracy to cause damage, tortious interference with business activities, consumer fraud, and practicing without a license. She is attempting to use the good intentioned organizations, the internet, and word of mouth to receive the education we have provided in good faith at no cost by filing a flurry of false complaints with every agency she can think of in an attempt to force us to return the money we earned.

It is important to note that we are not the first massage therapy school that Ms. Colvin has attacked in this sort of campaign of personal destruction. Four years have passed since she graduated, and yet, instead of putting her energy into studying for the licensing exam with the multitude of available exam review books, she continues to maliciously attack the credibility of that school. Ms. Colvin is fully qualified to sit for the licensing exam any time she chooses.

Our History of Extraordinary Success
While anyone in our position would want to emphasize the good traits, we won’t attempt to portray ourselves as “perfect”. But, our verifiable statistics speak volumes. Where some local massage schools have student drop out rates of up to 52%, the Sanctuary School had a 93.75% graduation rate over the course of its entire life!

The state licensing exam for massage therapy in Illinois and many other states is also the National Certification Exam for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, an advanced certification exam. The state average first-try pass rate is 66%, and the national average is 68%. The graduates of the Sanctuary School enjoy a 100% pass rate with only one graduate requiring a second attempt to pass. We were able to give quality education at a reasonable cost.

Connie and I have been teaching in this field for nearly 23 years without a single complaint filed against us until Ms. Colvin. Our reputation stretches internationally and people have sought our courses from every state and from 16 foreign countries. And we have been invited to teach or speak in Europe and Australia.

Fully Credentialed Education Providers
In late March, Connie and I decided to begin the process of closing the school to allow us to redirect our energies back to our first loves as authors, professional speakers, and therapists. Our certificate to operate issued by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) officially expired on July 1, 2007. Because we intended to close at the graduation of our last classes, the ISBE granted a “teach out”. We had four months beyond the expiration of our certificate to complete all of the courses for all our existing students. Because the last two classes had very low enrollment (3 and 4 students in a program designed for 18), both the students and the ISBE agreed that we would accelerate the program. Instead of graduating in December, they all successfully graduated on October 26th.

In addition, the Reiki Council is our primary organization, and it is fully credentialed as a continuing education provider by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. As a result of that status, our courses are accepted by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation (ILDPR) as a continuing education provider for massage therapists toward licensing renewal. Our courses are accepted as continuing education for licensing renewal in many other states as well. The ILDPR help desk has consistently stated that continuing education providers do not need to be ISBE approved.

The Reiki Council is also a membership organization. Under state law, “in house education” (education presented for members, or educators hired by a company to teach staff) is not required to be under the jurisdiction of the ISBE. Ms. Colvin was a member and therefore fell under this category as well.

A Very Sick Woman
In the two months she was here working with us, Ms. Colvin stated that she either has or had at least thirteen major physical and mental health issues. As one student stated, “We went outside together on a break. By the time she had listed off the seventh or eighth major disease, I knew she was a nutcase.”

Whether these are real or the result of imagination stemming from her mental illness, she is, in our opinion, a very sick woman who needs serious help.

Not An Enrolled Student
Ms. Colvin was not enrolled as a student in the massage program. She confirms she did not sign an enrollment agreement. She was not issued a student ID card, and she was presented as a guest to students who allowed her to sit in on their classes for review. She was here for tutoring with the intention of attending our other courses for continuing education. To keep her costs down, we offered her the ability to sit in on classes so her review in both classroom and private tutoring would cost a very inexpensive $11.36 per hour versus our standard $75 per hour for private tutoring.

Ms. Colvin was very specific that she wanted her license in hand by October. On one of her blogs, she states:

October was my goal from the very first and all discussions. At no time was I led to believe being licensed by October was an unreasonable goal.

The licensure process includes applying for authorization to attempt the licensing exam. This can require several weeks just to be scheduled for the exam. Upon successful completion of the exam, she would need to be fingerprinted for a criminal background check, complete the licensure application, submit it, and wait for the license to be granted and issued. The entire process requires 6-12 weeks. That means that she would need to apply for the exam no later than August 15th to ensure any hope of having her license in hand by the beginning or early part of October. She was here from June 4th to July 22nd before voluntarily stopping her tutoring agreement in front of three student witnesses.

Her down payment was received on June 13, 2007. On June 19 and 21, 2007, she had already changed the plan we established. She decided to attend our licensing exam review class to see if she was ready to attempt the exam immediately. This class was presented for the students graduating on June 22, 2007. Clearly, she was here to pass the exam as quickly as possible, and not to be educated as a “new student” graduating on December 22, 2007 as she claims in writing in some versions of her story.

In her rebuttal to the credit card company dated November 8, 2007, she said she was “scammed” by us because she didn’t get her license in October. There is a vast difference between what is reasonable and actual performance. We would never guarantee anyone a license because it can be denied for many reasons outside our control. Bear in mind, Ms. Colvin had presented us with a transcript that stated she had completed a 600-hour massage therapy program with straight A’s. A 2-1/2 month review of anatomy, pathology, and massage techniques for someone having already completed a full training as a refresher to prepare for the exam was certainly not unreasonable.

I can fax the copy of her transcript from the first school if you wish to review it.

The “Loan” Was Not A Loan
This point is the crux of her entire issue. Unfortunately for her, it is a completely false allegation. The Sanctuary School does not offer student loans and it never has. We do not advertise, nor have we ever advertised, that we offer student loans.

We have a relationship with TFC Credit Corp. This company does offer student loan programs to some schools and with other schools such as ours, they offer structured payment plans. TFC contracted with us to provide structured payment plans, and in this agreement we receive no money as a “cash advance” on student contracts from TFC. TFC manages the student payments as an alternative to payments made directly to the school. We used TFC for only a few students whose payment agreement extended beyond the date of course completion, because TFC would provide the billing services and if necessary, they would provide collection services in the event the student failed to pay after receiving a diploma and transcript or in Ms. Colvin's case, certificates of completion for workshops from us.

As TFC confirms in their letter dated 11/19/07, “All down payments that are paid at the time of signing a note stay with the seller and come off the top of the principle amount on the note, before it is sent to TFC.” We did not “misappropriate funds” as she claims. The down payment represented the financial resources required to cover the costs of providing the services she hired us to perform.

To put this in context, Ms. Colvin wanted a 36 month payment plan because she wanted a package deal – tutoring and review to pass the exam and then proceeding with continuing education by attending all the unique classes we offer in our standard massage program. That means that we would receive $172.35 per month for teaching her. The cost of purchasing textbooks alone was $250. Then, the office rent, instructor salaries, utilities, administration salaries, insurance, and more far exceeds $172.35 per month. The down payment covers the initial costs.

She was presented with three options, $1000, $1500, and $2000 down payment. Within that, she was able to determine the number of months to extend the payments, 12, 24, or 36 months. The combination of down payment and number of months determined the interest rate assessed to cover the costs of TFC managing her account. I can fax you the exact documentation that she was shown. At any time, she could pay off the note without penalty to save the interest.

She claims in writing in a new version of the story that she originally offered to pay $7500 in full, up front. That never happened. We offer a significant discount for those who wish to prepay classes as an incentive for students with the resources to do so. We’ve had many people use this option, and, for us, it is the preferred payment method.

One glaring issue is that Ms. Colvin sent us a letter. I responded to the letter indicating that we understood that she was not continuing so it would be inappropriate to contract her to a payment plan for the future continuing education classes. Instead of saying that I understood incorrectly and she wanted to continue, she immediately affirmed that she would not continue. If this was a misunderstanding and she wanted to continue, she would have asked to continue.

Attended Classes and Confirms the Value Being Received
On July 17, 2007, Ms. Colvin had a “melt down” in class in front of Connie and three students who were enrolled in the massage program. After weeks of practicing Swedish Massage following a step-by-step protocol, Ms. Colvin (who had already completed a full massage training program and should have been reasonably comfortable with this) and the three students were asked to try giving a massage intuitively – no formal instructions. She became anxious, visibly disturbed, and began staggering as she tried to think of what to do. She had an emotional melt down, calling Connie a liar because Connie suggested starting somewhere else on the body. Ms. Colvin exploded emotionally and stormed out of the room in front of three student witnesses. The three students unanimously requested that Ms. Colvin not be allowed to return to their class.

On July 19th, Ms. Colvin left a typed letter (I can submit that by fax) that indicated that she was not sure if she was still welcome back, but that she definitely owes us for the classes she had been taking. With that letter, she acknowledges her understanding that her behavior and emotional outburst was unacceptable and was clear cause for dismissal.

After Dropping from Core Review Sessions, She Attends Continuing Ed Classes!
Because we were still willing to help her, we kept the doors open to future classes. I can fax you her transcript outlining her continuing education activities. She voluntarily dropped from her Anatomy & Physiology and Swedish Massage review, and she continued to attend continuing education courses on July 21-22 and was registered to attend another continuing education course on July 28-29, but on July 27, notified us she would post-pone her participation until another offering of the course because she was moving to a new home that weekend.

Inappropriate Behavior
While there are many other examples of inappropriate behavior aside from the episode listed above, Ms. Colvin treated her time in the classroom and in private tutoring sessions as a forum in which to discuss her needs, her issues, and her experiences. She did not respect the rights of others to have a differing opinion or to engage in the same sort of personal discussion about their own needs and issues. It was a constant challenge to keep her on course so that we could use our time productively.

A Clear Pattern of Deceit
Ms. Colvin reconfigures the facts to suit the current explanation of the situation. In the interests of being as concise as possible, I will not inundate you with pages and pages of examples, although I certainly can if you like.

As quoted above, she states in her blog that she was insistent that she have her license in October. In her August 6, 2007 letter to the three students in the class she was reviewing along side, she contradicts herself writing that she intended to attend the entire course from beginning to end.

This is important: She presented us with a transcript indicating that she had completed a 600-hour massage program with straight A’s. This information was the basis of our decision to accept her for tutoring. Had she been a new student, she would have been turned away per the agreement with the ISBE. Then, she informs her credit card company a new version of the story in which she now claims that she never completed the program at the first school and that she was not skilled to practice massage.

She wants us to believe in this new version of the story that the school just gave her a transcript with straight A’s stating she had passed the course without having completed the six-month program. The only reason I can imagine a school doing this is if she were such a liability in class, they threw her out for the safety of other students. Or, she was creating so much turmoil that it was a way of pacifying her anger. This version of the story means that Ms. Colvin knowingly misled the Sanctuary School and the American Massage Therapy Association by claiming that she was professionally qualified by completing a minimum 500-hour program when she had not done so.

She claims that she was ill-equipped to practice massage, but she is active on presenting herself as a professional therapist, describing her massage therapy experience in spa and outcall service work, and she is advising practitioners on wage issues, union issues, therapy styles, etc.

She then writes to her credit card company that she is not competent to practice; yet she is advertising illegally and has a private office. The advertisement has been removed by the AMTA after we reported the illegal ad to the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation, but I can fax you a copy of a fairly recent print out prior to its removal.

She writes in her credit card dispute rebuttal that the company should not be concerned about the illegal advertisement. We believe that indisputable evidence of Ms. Colvin actively engaging in consumer fraud and practicing without a license certainly should have bearing on her credibility in this related dispute.

She claims that we told her to post the advertisement on the American Massage Therapy Association’s web site, but that is a vicious lie attempting to wriggle out of the legal problems that she created for herself. Because we don’t agree with the politics of the AMTA, we steer all of our students to a different association, the ABMP. She was already a member of the AMTA. She submitted a copy of her 2004 AMTA Membership card when she began with us. Apparently, she's been a member for a long time.

We tell all of our students that they should practice on friends and family (homework) and that they can accept voluntary gratuities. But, we also tell them they are required to identify themselves as a student in every session, not misrepresent themselves as a professional, and that they can not charge a fee for the sessions. You need only look at the behavior of every other student from our school to see that we are clear about this. I can fax you a business card of one of our students. Ms. Colvin made no attempt in her advertisement to convey that she was a student. To the contrary, she indicated that customers can purchase gift certificates and that she does outcalls.

She writes on and she recommends that students join a massage association and list themselves on the Find A Therapist pages to get work. Not only is she advertising illegally, but she is advising others to engage in the same illegal activity!

She placed this illegal advertisement on the AMTA Find A Therapist pages, and then blames the AMTA for “allowing her to renew her membership.” She denies any responsibility in the matter.

As a school, we had 15 massage tables. At our fullest enrollment, only 7 were in use in our primary classroom. She claims one of our students asked to “borrow” her table. This is not true. The student asked to borrow one of our 8 tables in storage. Connie willingly agreed, this was a common practice, but Ms. Colvin insisted that the student use her table. Even though the table was returned earlier than agreed upon and it was sitting in the back of our primary classroom, she accused the student of trying to steal the table.

She wrote an e-mail to a third party (on file and I can fax it) in an attempt to engage that person in a conspiracy to damage (collusion) that she would never speak about this situation to others because of the advice of her attorney, and yet, she has several public blogs (I have included a list of her blogs at the end of this response for your review) detailing her distorted and contradictory view of events, and participates extensively in online forum discussions. She also left a venomous note to each of the students defaming us in hope they would quit the program.

She claims in one place that she can’t believe she was “required to pay $2000”, but in her letter to her credit card company, she said she offered us payment in full in cash and we turned it down, suggesting she pay $172.35 per month for 36 months instead.

These are just a few examples of her behavior. I can continue to list more if necessary. I can request affidavits from willing objective observers that will substantiate our extraordinary patience, tolerance, and generosity to Ms. Colvin and her bizarre behavior.

Just Cause to Dismiss Based in Written Policy
The Sanctuary School has a written policy regarding withdrawal from classes and workshops and our refund policy:

A student who is removed from the program due to disciplinary action or through no fault of the School or is not adhering to the scholastic and/or the attendance standards or ethical behavior as outlined in this catalog shall be removed without refund.

Ms. Colvin’s incessant inappropriate behavior during class times, her unethical behaviors by advertising as a professional massage therapist without a license, and her abusiveness toward classmates (false accusations of stealing, disrespecting the time of others, etc.) all represent justification to terminate our relationship with her.

To address her eight specific concerns:

1. Part A - No response from you
This statement is an absolute lie. There have been multiple contacts that she failed to report to you. I responded most recently to her 9/25/07 e-mail with a notification of an upcoming settlement offer, and she responded back that she had taken additional action that blocked my ability to provide her with that settlement. She has been in our office without appointment and of her own volition on numerous occasions and refused, in front of witnesses, our requests to discuss the situation.

Part B -- And attorney information remains unavailable.
I wrote to her saying, “If you feel the need to pursue this further, please have your attorney contact us.” You can read my response word for word on her blog:

I did not tell her to contact my attorney! She misread my statement and blew it out of proportion. This is consistent with all of her behavior.

She told us she went to an attorney, and the advice she claimed to have received made it clear that she was not being truthful. She claims her lawyer told her that even though she had consumed 163 hours of tutoring from us, she should return the certificates of completion for the classes she had finished along with the now-used books. If she did, she claimed she was automatically entitled to a refund in full. If she did in fact have an attorney, I would have felt more comfortable discussing the situation with a rational person instead of Ms. Colvin.

2. There is no enrollment agreement signed by me in your possession.

This is true, because she was not enrolled in our school! Depending on which version of the story she presents, she didn’t want to “graduate” on December 22, 2007, she wanted a review to enable her to begin the licensure application process in mid-August. You can’t complete a 9-month program in 2 months. She was here for tutoring to prepare for the exam and then to proceed with continuing education.

3. On September 13th 2007 it was confirmed your school was issued a Cease and Desist letter from the ISBE in May 2007, yet in June 2007 my $2000 down payment was accepted and a loan application was prepared by Rick then signed by me to be submitted by Rick with TFC for a $7500 loan to pay the remainder of a $5500 massage program and additional classes. There was no other agreement. ISBE approved schools are listed here:
Again, Ms. Colvin was not enrolled in the school!

To clarify, our Cease & Desist letter is a standard letter issued when a school confirms that it is not planning to renew their certificate to operate for another year – a fact not mentioned by Ms. Colvin. Our renewal application was due April 1, 2007 and that triggered the letter. We were in active discussions with our ISBE rep about our options for closing the school.

We were granted a “teach out” by the ISBE, which enabled us to complete the existing classes beyond our certificate's July 1, 2007 expiration date as long as they graduated by the end of October, 2007. Our continuing education offerings are separate from the school. During the school’s operation, they were presented under a written co-presenter contract with the Reiki Council.

The ISBE came on November 6th (waiting until after our final graduation in October) to take custody of our student records so they can remain on file for the next 50 years. The ISBE rep thanked us for the care we put into maintaining the records. He also recommended a new, fast-growing location with almost no competition if we ever decided to re-open a school in the future.

Regardless, this has nothing to do with Ms. Colvin’s situation. She was not here to be enrolled in our school by her own admission and by the obvious facts. She was here for tutoring. We did in fact accept her $2,000 as a down payment and promptly applied it to organizing the education and purchasing the materials necessary for the tutoring and review and continuing education courses that she desired.

To help keep her costs down, we permitted her to sit in on existing classes of the massage program to gain the vast majority of her review rather than consuming expensive private tutoring hours. She also attended what are considered continuing education courses that offered tremendous value to her. If she had followed through on her goal, she would need 24 approved continuing education hours between Jan 1, 2007 and December 31, 2008 to gain a renewal of her license. All Illinois massage therapist licenses renew on December 31st of even numbered years regardless of when in that period the license was granted.

As stated before, our primary organization, the Reiki Council, is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork as a continuing education provider. This status provides automatic acceptance of our courses with the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation for state licensing renewal.

Contrary to her opinion, we are fully credentialed to teach continuing education by the State of Illinois and numerous others, and the ISBE has no role in that decision or governance over the operations of CE classes under the specific conditions we met.

Repeating myself, the “loan application” was not a loan application, but rather a structured payment plan with a collection agency to ensure payment in full when the payments extend beyond the date the certificate of completion is awarded. We made a conscious decision not to submit the application for this payment plan to TFC Credit Corp.

We are charged twice per month by TFC for managing each student account. We typically delay submitting the contract until after the first two-week period has passed. One week after Ms. Colvin signed the agreement she had already changed the original plan. She attended our licensing exam review and strategies class designed for someone intending to immediately apply for the exam. At that time, it was uncertain whether she would continue with the original tutoring plan or take only the classes needed for proficiency.

At one month into her tutoring and review, her behavior in and out of class was becoming a major concern and was testing our tolerance and willingness to help her through her review. For these reasons, we did not feel it appropriate to submit the payment plan agreement and lock her into a $5,500 package deal and payment plan for classes that her actions and choices demonstrated that it unlikely that she would attend. If she had wanted to pay us for individual classes directly, she would have been welcome to do that at the time.

4. Aside from my $2000 down payment, no receipt for anything was provided.
I honestly don’t understand what she means by this. She states she received a receipt for the amount paid. Since she didn’t pay for anything else, why would we give her a receipt? It is this kind of argument that makes it very difficult to deal with her directly.

If she is referencing an itemized statement of how the down payment was distributed, her claim is still not true. She described in an e-mail to a third party about the day she trespassed into our office, intentionally disrupted a class, left a venomous note to the three women in the class, and broke a massive trust in order to make yet another dramatic exit while retrieving her belongings. In that incident, she acknowledges that Connie tried to hand her an envelope and Ms. Colvin refused. It contained her transcripts and an itemized statement of all she had completed with hours consumed. I have the e-mail on file in which she acknowledges that she was told of the contents of the envelope and she refused to accept it.

Many of the courses she did complete are valuable as continuing education hours. While she now claims that she will not pursue a massage career, at the time she attended the courses she had every intention of a massage career. Therefore the classes did have significant value.

Again, Ms. Colvin complains that we didn’t provide something, when, in fact, she refused to accept this information!

5. Certification by you is as worthless as part of a program not completed because you failed to submit a loan that would have allowed me to complete the 660-hour massage program.

This is another example of her irrational thought processes. The method of payment has nothing to do with the value of completed courses. In addition, every class in which she received a certificate of completion qualifies for continuing education credit for her 2008 licensing renewal if she gets her license. She paid for all but $341 worth of the classes she completed, and only when she sent her refund demand did we make our first mention of the balance to remind her that she had consumed all of her initial payment, and to remind her that our generous refund policy is based on actual consumption.

She doesn’t need another diploma or certification, because she already has it from 1st Choice Academy of Massage Therapy. She didn’t receive any certifications from us, beyond certificates of completion that everyone receives when they finish a class or continuing education workshop. In fact, for the private one-on-one sessions (usually $75 per hour, but we were charging her only $11.36 per hour), she was not even being invoiced for the time. She had consumed the value for the entire down payment, but because she was unemployed, we were not pressing for additional payment. We wanted to verify that she did plan to pursue more training, but when she violated every trust by invading and intentionally disrupting a class, I had enough and would not permit her to continue.

Second, we did not ever discuss a loan with her! Our school has a company that organized structured payment plans, but we are paid only when the collection agency is paid. Ms. Colvin was obsessed with this loan, yet nowhere in our paperwork did we advertise that we offered “loans”.

By the way, if she was so concerned about being able to pay for classes, why didn’t she just pay for them? In one version of the story, she states that she wanted to pay in full and we refused her offer of $7500 cash!

6. Considering this incident, I already paid more than I should to be a platinum member of the Reiki Council's Inspired Living Community only to have my trust and commitment to you obliterated by you through misrepresentation of yourselves and your schools
We did not misrepresent ourselves. Ms. Colvin wanted a review to give herself the best chance of passing the licensing exam, and we provided that until she quit. We continued to tolerate her abuses far longer than appropriate because in many ways, Ms. Colvin was improving. We gave her 163 hours of our time, plus extras, and she is far better prepared to attempt the exam than she was in June.

We answered all of her questions openly and truthfully. The only omitted information was information we were specifically told not to discuss publicly by the Illinois State Board of Education. The ISBE told us not to announce that we were closing so as not to concern current students. Because she didn’t finish pre-requisite studies, she did not qualify for a review of Muscle Anatomy, Pathology, and Deep Tissue Therapy. Her decision to quit effectively terminated any future review. But, the class she was sitting in on did finish and the final graduating class all qualified for the honor roll. We had no obligation to teach the course again at her convenience, and she would have been charged again for the repeat.

She claims she “paid more than she should” to join the membership. She willingly joined with no pressure or expectation from us. She had the option of a $35, $75, and $120 membership level, and she paid $120 for an annual platinum membership. This is the same amount that all platinum members pay.

Immediately upon joining, she received $264.95 in books, audio CDs, newsletter subscriptions, retail items, free passes to monthly speaker events, and much more. With her $120 investment, she instantly received 221% in tangible value for her money.

Until she was banned from ever participating in any of our events because of her disruptive behavior in and out of classes, she was entitled to also receive an automatic 15%, no-limit discount on all workshops and events for the duration of her platinum membership.

7. Rick's email makes and cites false accusations, agreements and circumstances.
It’s one thing to say that I make false accusations, agreements, and circumstances, but I think it necessary that she be a little more specific for me to respond appropriately.

She is forgetting that much of her bizarre behavior, abusive behavior, and inappropriate behavior was in front of people other than Connie and me. These students and staff have agreed to write affidavits if necessary reporting their observations about the extraordinary patience, generosity, and tolerance that Connie extended to Ms. Colvin in spite of Ms. Colvin’s disruptive and sometimes frightening behavior.

She is forgetting that the people she thought were her allies are people who know our integrity and were looking out for our best interests by drawing out this information from Ms. Colvin. She attempted to drive a wedge between us and one of our staff members in hope that he would terminate his relationship with us and help her damage our reputation. To the contrary, he began passing along her e-mails to us.

8. Allow me to present the issue as I understand it: Without an enrollment agreement or ISBE approved curriculum, you - Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios - accepted my $2000 down payment in June to submit a loan, referenced by both of you, then used my $2000 down payment without submitting the loan, and finally in Rick's August 2007 email refused to submit a loan you agreed to submit in June 2007. The $2000 down payment needs to be returned immediately.

No, her understanding is incorrect. Anyone can provide private tutoring. ISBE approval does not apply to that situation, although in June we were in fact still operating under ISBE approval. If she was here for the entire program, there was no way we could have allowed to enter the 9-month program 2 months after it started and allowed her to finish 4 months early. She wanted tutoring to enable her to attempt the licensing exam in 3 months or less (June to August), and attended the licensing exam review class a week after submitting her down payment. She had already graduated from a state board of education approved, 600 hour massage school with straight A’s and was fully qualified.

The “loan” was never a loan. She was so obsessive about getting a loan that we never promised her, that the finance company that manages the structured payment plans for us contacted us telling us to do something about Ms. Colvin because they were fed up with her harassment. Even after both we and TFC (the finance company) repeatedly told her “there is no loan program it is a payment plan”, she continued to harass TFC about getting “her loan”.

Until she was no longer welcome because of her behavior, she had every option of paying us directly for any additional services used. But she states that because she didn’t get her imaginary “loan”, the 163 hours of tutoring has no value. According to her, the elective classes that others paid $200 to attend has no value to her and she should not have to pay for it. Also, the $40 massage she received has no value, and finally, the $250 in books she received has no value in her opinion.

Our Attempt to Resolve
Ms. Colvin refused an offer for a full refund, instead demanding that it come only through a credit card chargeback. This further delayed our ability to pacify her with a settlement. We wonder how much this is like a massage school giving her a falsified (according to one version by Ms. Colvin) transcript?

A credit card chargeback was an unacceptable option for us, because we require a signed statement from Ms. Colvin and Mike Berg (he involved himself by signing a response letter) agreeing that the $2000 settlement resolves the dispute satisfactorily and she will immediately discontinue her accusations. In the process, she will:

• Notify all agencies, blogs, and forums in which she has made her accusations that the issue has been satisfactorily resolved with no discussion of the terms of the settlement, and with no future attacks, complaints, etc.

• Withdraw her chargeback and allow the settlement to be paid by check as a final sealing of the contract.

• She and all involved parties will terminate their accusations and discussions publicly and privately, and we will do the same. The issue is sealed.

• She and Mike Berg will make no attempt to contact Rick or Connie Vrenios, the Reiki Council, Ke Ala Kahiko, or any other endeavor Rick and Connie are directly involved in.

• She and Mike Berg will not attempt to intentionally loiter near, participate in, detract from, or interfere with any activities involving Rick or Connie Vrenios.

• Connie and I agree not to contact Mr. Berg or Ms. Colvin, or participate in, loiter near, detract from, or interfere with any activities directly involving Ms. Colvin or Mike Berg.

By refusing to allow us to communicate about our proposed settlement, she raises questions over the sincerity of her claim that she is only interested in resolving the issue. By her actions, we see her choices as being more interested in causing pain to us and our well-earned reputation for excellence.

Our attorney has already stated that she has no claim to a refund. Our credit card processing company is reviewing the contract and the critical issues to determine if we broke any rules. If it is found by this objective third party that we did not fulfill our obligation or we did not act appropriately, we will not dispute the chargeback and the processing company has been instructed about our desire to provide the refund if appropriate. Our processing company, however, believes that if our description of the contract is true, she has no claim to a refund.

Based on my understanding of events and her intentions, we provided everything she asked us to provide. Because she has such a dramatically different, although contradictory, view of events, we are willing to allow the credit card company to determine whether we earned the money or not.

We will learn the recommendation from the processing company shortly.

In closing, I’d like to summarize the critical points…

• In May of 2003, Ms. Colvin graduated (in most of the versions of her story) from an approved massage therapy school. This course of study exceeded the minimum education requirement by 100 hours. This transcript clearly indicates that she was deemed competent to seek licensing and then practice professionally. At any time, she is and has been capable of sitting for the licensing exam. She requires nothing further from us to do this!

• We are not the only massage therapy school she is defaming. She is aggressively and openly slandering (our opinion) her first school, 1st Choice Academy of Massage Therapy as well. She hasn’t had anything nice to say about her previous employers either.

• We were and still are credentialed to provide the type of education she needed.

• As a massage school, we have a 93.75% graduation rate and a 100% pass rate on the licensing exam.

• The cease & desist letter from the ISBE is a standard letter issued when a school is closing. It is designed to establish boundaries, and it is not a symptom of wrong-doing.

• She paid $2000 and received $2,341 in tutoring, personal services, and books. That represents 117% value for her money. If she does receive her license before the 2008 renewal period, most of the classes she attended qualify toward credit for the continuing education requirement.

• The “loan” was a structured payment plan, not a loan.

• The down payment always goes to the seller, not the payment plan company.

• She was here for tutoring and taking additional classes from June 4, 2007 to July 22, 2007. She completed 163 hours of tutoring, she attended an elective course, she received a massage, and she received $250 in books.

• She had a chronic injury that limited her ability to work as a massage therapist for four years. In a private tutoring session, the issue was resolved in less than ten minutes providing her with valuable relief, and valuable training in self-care and therapeutic work. (Notice her advertisement mentioned four points below.)

• She voluntarily terminated her tutoring arrangement in front of three objective eyewitnesses.

• After she voluntarily terminated her tutoring arrangement, she continued attending a continuing education class and was registered for a second CE course.

• Following her emotional outburst, she acknowledged in writing that she was receiving value in the classes and stated that she owes us for the classes.

• She was concurrently and actively advertising illegally as a professional massage therapist and therefore committing what I believe is considered consumer fraud. The Illinois Department of Professional Regulation is investigating. When confronted with the public revelation of this fact, she blamed the association for allowing her to renew her membership without verifying licensure status. While I agree that the AMTA should be held responsible for not upholding a law it lobbied and designed, Ms. Colvin knew she had to be licensed. Yet, she absolutely refuses to accept any fault or responsibility for her actions.

• Suddenly, and only after the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation was notified about her illegal advertisement, she responded to our rebuttal to the credit card company that she was no longer seeking a career in massage. Unethical and illegal activities such as those we uncovered and reported are just cause for the state to deny her request for a license.

• The payment plan contract indicates that the seller is free to substitute goods and services of equal or greater value. Regardless of which version of the story she is using at the moment, we are fully empowered to provide the same or better education value, and we provided everything she requested and more. All the classes happened, but she terminated the deal and chose not to show up. There was no obligation for us to ever offer them again.

• Regarding our ability to substitute for equal or greater value, value is based on the needs of the individual. A repeat of an entire course of training, as she claims in one version of her story has no actual value for her. This is like attending the College of DuPage and receiving an associate’s degree in liberal arts. Then, going to Harper College and pursuing an associate’s degree in liberal arts. However, because she already had her diploma, and because she would be required to complete continuing education requirements, receiving tutoring to review for the exam and completing the many unique courses as continuing education provides the real value for someone in her circumstances. Already, in the two months she was studying here, she has surpassed the required number of hours for the 2008 license renewal! That is where the value lies.

• She has acknowledged that she is ignoring the legal advice of her attorney to remain silent. She is actively recruiting uninvolved parties into the dispute, and likely crossing into criminal activities. She has four public blogs, she has written defaming e-mails to third parties which we have in our possession, and she has written direct letters to students of the school.

• She has shown that she is fully willing to change her story and the “facts” depending on the situation and her goals. Her extensive e-mails to third parties, blogging, and discussions all clearly demonstrate her inability to stick to one “truth”. We can easily provide another 20 pages of documentation to support our claims based in objective eyewitness statements, e-mails to third parties, etc.

At any time from May of 2003 when she received her certification and diploma, she was considered competent to sit for the National Certification and State Licensing Exam. Therapists earn $45-125 in private practice and $15-50 as an employee in this area. Had she not invested so much time blaming everyone around her for her problems and followed the plan we laid out for her, as I am sure the previous school did as well, she would be licensed to practice by now.

If you require any further information or further documentation, please let me know.


Rick and Connie Vrenios
Owners, The Sanctuary School of Therapeutic Massage and Energy Medicine
799 Roosevelt Road, Suite #4-001
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

November 20, 2007 BBB email forwarded to about the complaint closed with reliability report of unsatisfactory

From: cs colvin
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 10:30:19 AM
Subject: Fw: BBB Complaint Case#94145268(Ref#36-88256659-94145268-10-500)


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Better Business Bureau
To: Catherine S Colvin
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 8:31:03 AM
Subject: BBB Complaint Case#94145268(Ref#36-88256659-94145268-10-500)

Complaint ID#: 94145268
Business Name: The Sanctuary School of Therapeutic Massage and En

The BBB has made several attempts to contact the business regarding the above referenced complaint. We regret to inform you that we have not received a response from the company. Your complaint was closed out as unanswered, and their public reliability report has been changed to unsatisfactory.

The BBB develops and maintains Reliability Reports on companies in our service area. This information is available to the public and is frequently used by potential customers. In the case of your complaint, the company's failure to promptly give attention to the matter will be reflected in the report we give to consumers about them. You may wish to pursue this matter through the Small Claims Court at 312-603-5626 (Cook County) or 815-319-4500 (Winnebago County) or discuss possible legal action with an attorney of your choice. If the company has contacted you in the interim, please notify the BBB immediately.


Kimberly Mullen
Assistant Manager, Personal Services

November 19, 2007 BBB email forwarded to - no response until after it closed

From: cs colvin
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 1:28:27 PM
Subject: Fw: BBB Complaint Case#94145268(Ref#36-88256659-94145268-8-320)


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Better Business Bureau
To: Catherine S Colvin
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 12:30:51 PM
Subject: BBB Complaint Case#94145268(Ref#36-88256659-94145268-8-320)

Complaint ID#: 94145268
Business Name: The Sanctuary School of Therapeutic Massage and En

You recently requested our help concerning a problem with the company named above. The company has not responded to the Bureau to date. Please contact me or return this letter to the BBB by {\b November 28, 2007 } and inform us whether you have heard from the company or not. If you have not heard from the company, your complaint will be closed as unanswered, and it will be reflected as such in the company's reliability report. Additionally, you will receive written notification regarding the status of your complaint when it is closed.

We encourage you to use our ONLINE COMPLAINT system to keep up with the progress of this complaint. Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is a general e-mail address, please use the ONLINE COMPLAINT system. The URL (website address) below will take you directly to this complaint on our website:

Complaint Status Page


Kimberly Mullen
Assistant Manager, Personal Services

November 19, 2007 ad to sublet shared massage room

(I am grateful that the other massage therapist I had hoped to work with will allow me to sublet the space I've been paying rent for since July 2007. I did so based on Connie's adamant position that there was no reason I should not be able to take the exam and be licensed by October. I kept wondering why she pushed so hard when she knew I fully intended to take the full program. When I finally asked what she was really talking about, Connie said there was no reason I couldn't practice massage for donations until I had a license to put on the wall. "People do it all the time" she said. Later it also made sense why they put me in the exam prep class which I had been told was usually last.)

From: ""
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 12:59:46 PM
Subject: AMTA Classifieds Confirmation

Dear Catherine Colvin,

Thank you for submitting your classified ad. Your ad will be posted for 120 days. You may wish to take note of your confirmation number for your records: 633310739859218750

If you would like to edit or remove your posting, you can do so by simply accessing Your Account. Thank you for using the AMTA Classifieds. We look forward to serving your needs in the future.

November 9, 2007 BBB no update for complaints# 94145503 or 941459503

From: cs colvin
Sent: Friday, November 9, 2007 10:13:47 AM
Subject: no complaint update for Reiki Council

Though an update has been received for The Sanctuary School which closed in October 2007, no update was received for the Reiki Council which remains open and which has equal bearing in this dispute.

If neither of you are the correct person to follow up with this, will one of you please forward to me the contact information of an appropriate person I can forward complete documentation to? After waiting the full period of time for The Sanctuary School to respond without getting one, this morning I posted a partial response because the form does not allow sufficient space for several pages. Your time and assistance is much appreciated.

Catherine S. Colvin
630 808 9317

November 08, 2007 missing or omitted BBB post from complaint # 94145268 - complaint activity document did not retain formatting

(Not sure why this is omitted from the BBB complaint # 94145268. Since then two emails and a voicemail have been ignored so I'm left assuming no one is going to say. I was trying to be a business too and The Sanctuary School, though closed, had at least already been a business. Anyway, this is what the complaint responses looked like at one point. I used documentation prepared for the credit card dispute because it was applicable, though obviously it didn't all fit.)

"COMPLAINT ACTIVITY REPORT Case # 94145268 BBB of Chicago & Northern Illinois

Consumer Info: Colvin, Catherine S. Business Info: The Sanctuary School of Therapeutic Massage and En
7928 Woodlyn, Apt. 107 799 Roosevelt Road Building 4, Suite 001
Woodridge, IL 60517 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
630 808-9317 630 808-9317 630 790-3542

Location Involved: (Same as above)

Consumer's Original Complaint :
Supporting documentation is available upon request.

Rick and Connie Vrenios
The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council
799 Roosevelt Road , Building 4, Suite 001
Glen Ellyn , IL 60137

Attn: Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios of the Sanctuary School and Reiki Council

This is a second formal demand for the full and immediate refund of my $2000 down payment, being sent to you directly because:

1) of no response from you and attorney information remains unavailable

2) there is no enrollment agreement signed by me in your possession

3) on September 13th 2007 it was confirmed your school was issued a Cease and Desist letter from the ISBE in May 2007, yet in June 2007 my $2000 down payment was accepted and a loan application was prepared by Rick then signed by me to be submitted by Rick with TFC for a $7500 loan to pay the remainder of a $5500 massage program and additional classes. There was no other agreement. ISBE approved schools are listed here:

4) aside from my $2000 down payment, no receipt for anything was provided

5) certification by you is as worthless as part of a program not completed because you failed to submit a loan that would have allowed me to complete the 660-hour massage program

6) considering this incident, I already paid more than I should to be a platinum member of the Reiki Council's Inspired Living Community only to have my trust and commitment to you obliterated by you through misrepresentation of yourselves and your schools

7) Rick's email makes and cites false accusations, agreements and circumstances.
Allow me to present the issue as I understand it: Without an enrollment agreement or ISBE approved curriculum, you - Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios - accepted my $2000 down payment in June to submit a loan, referenced by both of you, then used my $2000 down payment without submitting the loan, and finally in Rick's August 2007 email refused to submit a loan you agreed to submit in June 2007. The $2000 down payment needs to be returned immediately.

Catherine S. Colvin

cc: emailed and copy hand delivered to Connie at The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council

Consumer's Desired Resolution:
A full refund of a $2000 down payment provided for Rick to submit a loan with TFC to pay for a 660-hour massage therapy program and additional bodywork classes. Other than a very distorted email response on 08 03 07, Rick and Connie made no attempt to address this. An incomplete anatomy class holds not purpose for me, and though I've been told it shouldn't matter, I would be ashamed to inform the public I hold a Reiki certification provided by Rick Vrenios or Connie Vrenios.

BBB Processing

10/04/2007 web BBB Complaint Received by BBB
10/04/2007 dhh BBB Complaint Validated by BBB Operator
10/04/2007 otto EMAIL Send Acknowledgement to Consumer
10/04/2007 otto MAIL Inform Business of Complaint
10/16/2007 otto BBB No response to first notice to business
10/16/2007 otto MAIL Second Notice to Business
10/29/2007 otto BBB No Response received from Business on 2nd Notice
10/29/2007 otto EMAIL Consumer - Have You Heard From the Company
11/09/2007 WEB BBB INFORM CONSUMER NO RESPONSE FROM BUSINESS : The consumer indicated he/she was NOT directly contacted by the business
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Cardmember Service
Post Office Box 15298
Wilmington, DE 19850-5298
1-800-475-3366 ext 67596
Re: Response to Connie and RickVrenios̢۪ response to this dispute
Attn: Tavia Laster, Financial Service Advisor
A specifically detailed response to Connie and Rick Vrenios̢۪ documentation is as follows:
1) The AMTA Find A Therapist result is outdated.
2) Connie̢۪s handwritten note does not indicate licensure and as a continuing education provider she has to be aware of that. To the best of my knowledge, Connie had no difficulty verifying my licensure status before I began taking classes. Connie̢۪s note is an attempt to deceive those investigating this dispute by implying I am licensed when it̢۪s easily confirmed I am not. If Connie is implying I am practicing without a license, then that is a separate issue to be addressed by licensing authorities and I will follow up accordingly.
3) Class times provided by Connie are inaccurate and include optional/non-class workshops that I was told were free and included with the Inspired Living Community membership which I paid for separately. I still have a receipt for that membership. None of the class attendance can be confirmed because there was no sign-in record. It could easily be said I was there when I was not or the opposite, just as tutoring is being claimed when it did not occur. There was no tutoring of any kind, not even for body mechanics which we all knew I needed desperately. Body mechanics for Class 6 was taught before I joined the class. Connie said I would â€Å“get it in the next classâ€� though The Sanctuary School appears to have closed on October 26 2007 according to their website. Sent with this letter is a screenshot of that page. (Attachment 1) Note: It may be pertinent for those reading this response to know body mechanics teaches how to prevent self-injury and injury to clients. Though I’ve been told what it is, I did not have the body mechanics class at either massage therapy school (including the one that gave me the 600-hour certificate). Every massage therapist I’ve spoken with believes proper body mechanics is vital to health and longevity in the profession and correct treatment of clients.
4) There is no enrollment agreement.
5) Rick and Connie should not have accepted my $2000 down payment nor allowed me to take their program because they knew their curriculum was not ISBE approved and they knew they were closing their school before I would be able to take the â€Å“next classâ€� Connie often referred to.
Rick and Connie received a letter from the ISBE to Cease and Desist in May 2007 because they had not renewed with the ISBE. Current ISBE approved schools are listed here . The curriculums at both schools were not approved when I began classes and both remain absent from the ISBE approved school curriculum list. It appears Connie and Rick believe my $2000 down payment and I could be abused simply because I had a 600-hour certification from another school. Though that should not have been a consideration for obvious reasons, I had also explained to them in our first discussions about the ethical concerns I had with the first school simply giving me my certification, more specifically I had not finished that first school̢۪s massage program.
6) Prior documentation includes the unused loan application prepared by Rick which would have paid Connie and Rick in full while allowing me to complete the full 660-hour massage therapy program and additional advanced classes I believed I was paying for via the loan. Connie and Rick both represented to me that they were a legitimate school offering me a complete 660-hour massage program plus advanced classes and that all of it would be paid for by the loan that Rick or Connie chose not to submit. Rick and Connie̢۪s actions and choices made the service they promised to provide through their instruction incomplete. At no time did they inform me my $2000 down payment would not be applied to the $7500 loan. If they had, I would have told them immediately that I would be unable to continue classes because the cash I had offered initially was no longer available.
7) It may also be a consideration that in May I offered to pay Rick and Connie for the $7500 program in full with cash before I began. Connie said that wasn̢۪t a good idea but didn̢۪t say why. In June, Connie and Rick said I could apply for a loan. Rick prepared the loan application, then in August 2007 refused to submit it after I asked to put things on hold because I still didn̢۪t have the loan information.
8) Among other discrepancies in Connie and Rick̢۪s documentation, there is an errant charge for a student clinic massage for $40. During a discussion Connie asked if I had had a full body massage and I said no. Connie then said all students were supposed to have a free student massage in the student clinic so we knew how a good massage should feel and have a good idea of how skilled we might also be once prepared to work in the student clinic. I also gave Connie a tip for that student that was not returned. Incidentally, this is the student who hurt my right hip but, according to Connie, was compelled to continue working on it after I said it hurt because she was psychic. I wrote it off because Connie had previously said this student was a close friend. A similar discussion about patients experiencing pain with TMJ during a facial massage had already occurred and was handled confrontationally by Connie. I didn̢۪t think it would do any good to remind Connie of contrary statements she̢۪d made in class about not repeating something that hurt someone.

What has become clear is Rick and Connie knew they were closing The Sanctuary School in October and there would be no â€Å“next classâ€� though Connie kept referring to one. Closing their school may explain why Connie was putting me in every class possible and trying to use up my $2000 down payment without providing the full massage therapy program as originally agreed. I didn’t even have time to read through the enormous amount of materials they recommended before moving on to the next class. I still have books they suggested I buy and did with my own money separate from everything else.
Without an enrollment agreement perhaps Rick and Connie did not feel it is necessary to keep their obligation to me as a student; however, without an enrollment agreement their refund and other policies do not apply. The only agreement ever made between us was for the complete 660-hour massage program plus additional advanced classes. There was no agreement or any discussion about me taking only the classes that remained from ongoing class 6 (which had been 2.5 months in progress) or a partial program, now or ever.
Since Rick and Connie are unwilling, or possibly unable, to keep their agreement, it follows I should be equally relieved of responsibility to them. If we walk away from the matter at this point, I have only lost time, some money invested in a profession I’ve become completely jaded on after two substandard schools in a row and learned hard lessons about trusting people. I have nothing that belongs to Rick and Connie, so they lose nothing but the same time they provided to other students and a few single classes Connie said I had to take in order to â€Å“catch upâ€� though that didn’t happen as she said it would.
I wanted so much to be part of their Inspired Living Community that I made myself available every time Connie asked for help with anything. I was careful not to take up their time unnecessarily or to be a burden or nuisance in any way possible. I helped them move things, clean the classroom and kitchen and for that brief time supported everything they did wholeheartedly.
Though I did think they were putting me at risk because of the loan not being submitted, I really believed that was going to work out and that Rick and Connie just needed a nudge to get organized and do things that would help keep their students. I say this because Connie complained about how expensive it was having such a small number of students. I thought they were just badly disorganized. I believed in them 100% until Rick̢۪s email on August 3 2007. It was like petting a sweet, innocent bunny and finding out it was really a snake that had already bit you. Nothing left to do but deal pragmatically with the poison.
No school should be allowed to steal money or time from students as they did me. Rick and Connie's tossed salad of a curriculum not approved by the ISBE is about as functional as a hodge podge of vehicle parts in place of a new and complete vehicle. Rick and Connie seem to believe there̢۪s no harm done just because I already had a 600-hour certificate, which only allows someone to obtain a license. But it shouldn̢۪t matter how many c"

November 09, 2007 response to credit card dispute

(The timing of Rick Vrenios' and Connie Vrenios' communications and claims makes all date stamped documentation pertinent.)

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Cardmember Service
Post Office Box 15298
Wilmington, DE 19850-5298
1-800-475-3366 ext 67596

Re: Response to Connie and RickVrenios’ response to this dispute

Attn: Tavia Laster, Financial Service Advisor

A specifically detailed response to Connie and Rick Vrenios’ documentation is as follows:

1) The AMTA Find A Therapist result is outdated.

2) Connie’s handwritten note does not indicate licensure and as a continuing education provider she has to be aware of that. To the best of my knowledge, Connie had no difficulty verifying my licensure status before I began taking classes. Connie’s note is an attempt to deceive those investigating this dispute by implying I am licensed when it’s easily confirmed I am not. If Connie is implying I am practicing without a license, then that is a separate issue to be addressed by licensing authorities and I will follow up accordingly.

3) Class times provided by Connie are inaccurate and include optional/non-class workshops that I was told were free and included with the Inspired Living Community membership which I paid for separately. I still have a receipt for that membership. None of the class attendance can be confirmed because there was no sign-in record. It could easily be said I was there when I was not or the opposite, just as tutoring is being claimed when it did not occur. There was no tutoring of any kind, not even for body mechanics which we all knew I needed desperately. Body mechanics for Class 6 was taught before I joined the class. Connie said I would “get it in the next class” though The Sanctuary School appears to have closed on October 26 2007 according to their website. Sent with this letter is a screenshot of that page. (Attachment 1) Note: It may be pertinent for those reading this response to know body mechanics teaches how to prevent self-injury and injury to clients. Though I’ve been told what it is, I did not have the body mechanics class at either massage therapy school (including the one that gave me the 600-hour certificate). Every massage therapist I’ve spoken with believes proper body mechanics is vital to health and longevity in the profession and correct treatment of clients.

4) There is no enrollment agreement.

5) Rick and Connie should not have accepted my $2000 down payment nor allowed me to take their program because they knew their curriculum was not ISBE approved and they knew they were closing their school before I would be able to take the “next class” Connie often referred to.

Rick and Connie received a letter from the ISBE to Cease and Desist in May 2007 because they had not renewed with the ISBE. Current ISBE approved schools are listed here . The curriculums at both schools were not approved when I began classes and both remain absent from the ISBE approved school curriculum list. It appears Connie and Rick believe my $2000 down payment and I could be abused simply because I had a 600-hour certification from another school. Though that should not have been a consideration for obvious reasons, I had also explained to them in our first discussions about the ethical concerns I had with the first school simply giving me my certification, more specifically I had not finished that first school’s massage program.

6) Prior documentation includes the unused loan application prepared by Rick which would have paid Connie and Rick in full while allowing me to complete the full 660-hour massage therapy program and additional advanced classes I believed I was paying for via the loan. Connie and Rick both represented to me that they were a legitimate school offering me a complete 660-hour massage program plus advanced classes and that all of it would be paid for by the loan that Rick or Connie chose not to submit. Rick and Connie’s actions and choices made the service they promised to provide through their instruction incomplete. At no time did they inform me my $2000 down payment would not be applied to the $7500 loan. If they had, I would have told them immediately that I would be unable to continue classes because the cash I had offered initially was no longer available.

7) It may also be a consideration that in May I offered to pay Rick and Connie for the $7500 program in full with cash before I began. Connie said that wasn’t a good idea but didn’t say why. In June, Connie and Rick said I could apply for a loan. Rick prepared the loan application, then in August 2007 refused to submit it after I asked to put things on hold because I still didn’t have the loan information.

8) Among other discrepancies in Connie and Rick’s documentation, there is an errant charge for a student clinic massage for $40. During a discussion Connie asked if I had had a full body massage and I said no. Connie then said all students were supposed to have a free student massage in the student clinic so we knew how a good massage should feel and have a good idea of how skilled we might also be once prepared to work in the student clinic. I also gave Connie a tip for that student that was not returned. Incidentally, this is the student who hurt my right hip but, according to Connie, was compelled to continue working on it after I said it hurt because she was psychic. I wrote it off because Connie had previously said this student was a close friend. A similar discussion about patients experiencing pain with TMJ during a facial massage had already occurred and was handled confrontationally by Connie. I didn’t think it would do any good to remind Connie of contrary statements she’d made in class about not repeating something that hurt someone.

What has become clear is Rick and Connie knew they were closing The Sanctuary School in October and there would be no “next class” though Connie kept referring to one. Closing their school may explain why Connie was putting me in every class possible and trying to use up my $2000 down payment without providing the full massage therapy program as originally agreed. I didn’t even have time to read through the enormous amount of materials they recommended before moving on to the next class. I still have books they suggested I buy and did with my own money separate from everything else.

Without an enrollment agreement perhaps Rick and Connie did not feel it is necessary to keep their obligation to me as a student; however, without an enrollment agreement their refund and other policies do not apply. The only agreement ever made between us was for the complete 660-hour massage program plus additional advanced classes. There was no agreement or any discussion about me taking only the classes that remained from ongoing class 6 (which had been 2.5 months in progress) or a partial program, now or ever.

Since Rick and Connie are unwilling, or possibly unable, to keep their agreement, it follows I should be equally relieved of responsibility to them. If we walk away from the matter at this point, I have only lost time, some money invested in a profession I’ve become completely jaded on after two substandard schools in a row and learned hard lessons about trusting people. I have nothing that belongs to Rick and Connie, so they lose nothing but the same time they provided to other students and a few single classes Connie said I had to take in order to “catch up” though that didn’t happen as she said it would.

I wanted so much to be part of their Inspired Living Community that I made myself available every time Connie asked for help with anything. I was careful not to take up their time unnecessarily or to be a burden or nuisance in any way possible. I helped them move things, clean the classroom and kitchen and for that brief time supported everything they did wholeheartedly.

Though I did think they were putting me at risk because of the loan not being submitted, I really believed that was going to work out and that Rick and Connie just needed a nudge to get organized and do things that would help keep their students. I say this because Connie complained about how expensive it was having such a small number of students. I thought they were just badly disorganized. I believed in them 100% until Rick’s email on August 3 2007. It was like petting a sweet, innocent bunny and finding out it was really a snake that had already bit you. Nothing left to do but deal pragmatically with the poison.

No school should be allowed to steal money or time from students as they did me. Rick and Connie's tossed salad of a curriculum not approved by the ISBE is about as functional as a hodge podge of vehicle parts in place of a new and complete vehicle. Rick and Connie seem to believe there’s no harm done just because I already had a 600-hour certificate, which only allows someone to obtain a license. But it shouldn’t matter how many certificates a student holds. When there’s only been one agreement, which was to submit a loan so an entire program of classes can be taken, that should be the governing factor because it was the only premise for any action by me as a student or the school to the best my knowledge. If I were in their place, I would surely not put someone in class after class without knowing I would be paid or how. They had assurance of being paid in full first in cash, then with the loan. Rick and Connie turned down the cash and did not submit the loan and did not tell me what they were really doing with my $2000 down payment.

At no time did Rick or Connie have my permission to use my $2000 down payment for any other purpose than to submit that loan for the $7500 program and additional advanced classes. When this 660-hour massage program was presented to me as a new student, I asked about choosing classes separate from the programs. Connie said each class in a program is a necessary component. Rick and Connie’s dispute might be reasonable if I practiced as is with incomplete training and forwarded bills for injuries and liability issues to Connie and Rick who imply I received adequate instruction from them, but it’s easy to guess how massage clients I could injure might feel about their pain while Connie and Rick continue pretending they’ve caused no harm to anyone nor contributed to unnecessary inconveniences.

Speaking of inconveniences and laying aside the personal affronts, instead of being licensed and practicing as a massage therapist in October as Connie assured me I would, I am without even the small amount of income that might have provided despite paying rent to do so. I am left seeking another profession because I need distance between this ordeal and time to consider whether or not wanting to be a massage therapist is worth taking the time to attend yet another school. I have over $1600 invested in massage equipment, supplies and exam study materials that must now be sold at a loss or given away if I don’t stay with massage, but I have significant doubts about my ability to survive among people like Rick and Connie. There is not even comfort in knowing the odds are with me if I try again and I am unable to discuss this incident with others for fear of negative repercussions though I am not at fault, unless I should be blamed for trusting practiced scam artists.

Speaking of scam artists, a few other people have been affected similarly. Two have said so to me in writing. Because I wanted to work through this, I kept silent about it to most people. However, if such corroboration might help prevent someone else from being treated as I have by Rick and Connie, please call or email me at 630 808 9317 or Those communications can be forwarded immediately upon request.

At this point in time I have returned to the IT field in a minimal capacity until my career counselor helps me find a new profession. Additional points of contention with Connie and Rick’s response to this dispute are as follows:

1) Claiming to be continuing education providers to licensed massage therapists, Connie and Rick Vrenios must know that presence on the AMTA “Find A Massage Therapist” utility does not represent licensure or active practice. Even so, my name has since been removed. The AMTA office can be called at 847 864 0123 for confirmation. Sent with this letter is a screenshot showing my name does not appear on the utility in question. (Attachment 2).

2) Sent with this letter is a copy of an email from an AMTA representative that relates a discussion about the status of my membership, that being inactive. (Attachment 3)

3) Sent with this letter is a screenshot from the Illinois State Board of Education website showing the name “Colvin” is not licensed for any profession in Illinois. (Attachment 4) This is confirmed here .

4) Connie’s handwritten note is disingenuous with its wording and dishonest by omitting her repeated and strong encouragement for me to add myself to the AMTA “Find A Massage Therapist” utility and practice as a student for donations. Connie knows that just days after I added myself to that utility I was contacted by a corporate massage business to attend an event and that I referred that business to the Reiki Council and Sanctuary Massage School. I asked Connie if they had been called because I was interested in knowing if that business had called The Reiki Council for massage therapists for their event.

5) Beginning with our first discussions, Connie and Rick Vrenios were aware of my apprehension about working as a massage therapist without complete training. Also, based on Rick and Connie’s initially strong encouragement and Connie’s strong emphasis that I would be ready to take the exam in October 2007, soon after joining that class I signed a year lease to pay rent to share a room with another massage therapist. Other students may recall discussion between us and Connie about sharing the room to practice in because I wouldn’t be using it until I was licensed. Sent with this letter is an email from another student who was interested in renting or sharing the space until I began using it as a licensed practitioner. (Attachment 5)

6) Connie is aware I believe I am not sufficiently skilled to practice massage. In fact, I lent my massage table to another student for over a month because though I was renting space I wasn’t using the table. When Connie asked why, I explained yet again that I was not comfortable giving massages without completing the course. Sent with this letter is a copy of a prior email that mentions my effort to pick up my massage table at the school where the student who borrowed it returned it to, instead of my home where she picked it up from after a class. (Attachment 6)

7) Referencing prior documentation, Rick’s email mentions a massage to be done for Connie by me. That was initiated by me because Connie insisted I didn’t need the other classes as much as I thought I did. After our last discussion about this I asked Connie to let me know when she was available so I could give her a massage which would allow her to assess my skill level. Interestingly, I was originally told during our first face-to-face discussion that was necessary for placement before joining the ongoing class. Neither happened though because the first assessment prior to beginning classes was never scheduled and at the second opportunity Connie didn’t call me to set a time.

8) Sent with this letter is an emailed time card approval reflecting a recent return to the IT field. (Attachment 7) Several applications have been sent out for IT jobs and I’ve volunteered IT services at the Hines Veteran’s Hospital.

9) Finally, Maria Vana is my career counselor at the DuPage County Workforce Development office in Lisle, Illinois. She can be reached at 630 955 2051 to confirm I have been working with their office since August 2007 in an effort to change careers.

To the best of my knowledge and ability, I have represented myself ethically in every possible way. Until now I avoided mentioning odd questioning or unprofessional actions by Connie and Rick such as:

* being told I was empathic and clairvoyant because I have nightmares

* questioning and being judged by Connie about confidential and highly sensitive subjects including childhood abuses and being an assault victim

* why I was fired from my last job

* health concerns that have since been distorted to misrepresent me

* Connie telling me she knew something about me she couldn’t disclose, then when asked about that later said she didn’t remember what it was

* Connie asking me if rocks in different boxes wanted be together or not because each rock had been carefully matched with other rocks because they were Reikied together

* Rick and Connie betraying the trust and confidence of their close friend when Rick came into class one morning and said that person was having a suicidal episode; Connie said I shouldn’t worry because this person did that all the time

* Connie and Rick putting me in an advanced Reiki class before the initial Reiki attunement while Connie brushed off comments from other Reiki practitioners who questioned my presence among them as an uninitiated/unattuned Reiki student

* a massage student hurt my hip in the student clinic and I let it go when Connie said that student was psychic which is why she was compelled to continue working on my right hip after I said it hurt

* Connie stating I could practice Reiki-ssage without a license but when I said I felt out of place in the advanced Reiki-ssage class, Connie said she meant Reiki-reflexology and not to worry I’d catch on after attending other Reiki classes later

* In opposition to being a respectable Reiki practitioner, Connie suggested I charge for Reiki sessions immediately and perform massage for donations until I received my massage license. During discussions with other Reiki practitioners and massage therapists, practicing like that was most commonly discouraged as “something that shouldn’t be done just because it was possible”. So in addition to everything else, Connie repeatedly encouraged me to practice in a manner that was not respected among potential peers.

I forgave so many red flags out of pathetic desperation to be correct in my assessment of Rick and Connie, and the fervent hope I had found a place to belong. I didn’t want to consider giving up massage therapy because two schools in a row were substandard. Though at a loss for why, Rick and Connie passed up numerous opportunities to be honest and ethical about their association with me as a student and a platinum member of their new Inspired Living Community. The more I tried to be fair and forgiving, the more they took advantage of my willingness to do and be what they wanted, which in the end appears to have been just another dupe falling for their scams. While it is true a few students have graduated, Connie and Rick are closing their school so it is must also be true that Rick and Connie had significant difficulty keeping their school open, or possibly practicing unethically may be why the school is closing since it is relatively common knowledge Connie and Rick treated others as they did me.

The disorganization was obvious but we let it go because we figured no one is an expert at everything. However the unprofessionalism and scamming of me and trusting people like myself, the betrayal of trust of one of their friends to me, was so entirely unexpected that I am still at odds with myself over my poor judgment in continuing to trust and support Connie and Rick as I did. I’ve trusted so few people. Maybe I was just tired of not being able to trust anyone. I really don’t know.

An effort was made to inform students in Class 6 when I also needed to get my massage table back. I wrote a note and left copies on tables when we picked up my massage table and bolsters. Sent with this letter is a copy of that note. (Attachment 8) I don’t know if those students got my note or not and I’ve been asked if I discussed this matter with other people. I have to say “very little” because I am utterly embarrassed to have been scammed by Connie and Rick or part of their scamming other people. I recall others in class who seemed to question Connie and Rick on certain points in a way that Connie or Rick were obviously not pleased with. Now I realize those students and members were correct in their assessments and that it was I who persisted in seeing and believing what I wanted to in an effort to be right about my choice to support Rick and Connie. Every day I wonder if my support of them helped dupe someone else.

I feel a tremendous amount of guilt and shame for not being more open about what Connie and Rick did to me, but I have also been advised by legal counsel that the responsibility to follow up with incidents like this belongs to government authorities.

I apologize for the length of this response, but in truth there are 22+ additional pages that clarify the many distortions of Rick’s August 3 2007 email. Should this dispute continue and those pages are needed I’ll aim more for brevity, though comprehension of what transpired is found in much of what would be trivial details had Rick and Connie not misused me or my $2000 down payment and simply provided the entire service of instructing me in a full 660-hour massage program and additional advanced classes as they initially led me to believe they would.

Catherine S. Colvin
630 808 9317

November 5, 2007 3:17:30 PM AMTA letter confirming inactive membership

(This call and follow up email response was prompted by communications between the credit card companies as part of their dispute process, in which Connie Vrenios' handwritten note implied I was practicing massage without a license because of an outdated screenshot on the AMTA website in their "Find A Therapist" utility. With all the calling and research Rick and Connie Vrenios have pushed me into a corner to do, I found out it is unlikely any professional massage therapist believes that presence on the AMTA "Find A Therapist" utility represents licensure. As continuing education providers to massage therapists, it's very difficult to imagine neither Connie nor Rick Vrenios would believe that themselves. Additionally, before I was allowed to sit in a class Connie said she had to confirm whether or not I was licensed and told me she had confirmed I was. When I called to find out myself I was told I was not and in turn I informed Connie. My licensure status and ensuing discussion occurred because Connie believed I had been grandfathered in before a license was needed. So surely Connie knew how to confirm massage therapist licensure. Neither Connie nor Rick could possibly have proof I have practiced as a professional massage therapist without a license. Their statements that I have done so are consistent with their treatment of me since the first discussion about the TFC loan. Coincidentally it’s apparent Connie and Rick know I am not licensed according to their email statement accusing me of trying to skip out on them and wait(?) until January 2008 to be grandfathered in during a 10 day period, even though I did not qualify to do so. And knowing I expected to be able to take the exam and be licensed in October with Class 6 as Connie repeatedly emphasized. As I peruse these documents, this nonsense seems endless. I cannot imagine what a time consuming mess this must seem to anyone else.)

From: Barbara Barnett Sunshine
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 3:17:30 PM
Subject: AMTA Letter of Membership

Dear Catherine Colvin,

We spoke on May, 17, 2007 regarding the status of your membership. You had informed me that you did not have your license for IL to practice massage therapy. You were upset that we had allowed you to renew your membership without having your license to practice. I explained the requirements of membership in AMTA. At the time in which you upgraded to Professional status, you had to submit one of the following:

You must either provide a transcript or diploma showing you completed a minimum of 500 in-class hours of education, a state license recognized by AMTA, or national certification.

We received your school transcript in May 2004.

The professional and general liability insurance that accompanies your membership with AMTA covers you as long as you are practicing according to the rules and regulations of the state in which you work. I offered to change your status to Professional Inactive since you were not practicing until you received your license. I also suggested you speak with the IL Chapter that had been assisting members with the licensure application.

It was nice to hear from you last week and to know that you are doing better. If this is the profession you are passionate about, AMTA will try to support you in every way possible to help advance the art, science, and practice of massage therapy. If you require any further assistance, please contact me directly.

Best wishes!

Barbara Barnett Sunshine
Call Center Manager
American Massage Therapy Association
500 Davis St., Ste. 900
Evanston, IL 60201-4695
(847) 905-1421; fax (847) 864-5196

November 1, 2007 10:02:24 AM no response from BBB about second complaint for Reiki Council

From: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2007 10:02:24 AM
Subject: Re: no complaint confirmation - Reiki Council

A second complaint was submitted as directed below, however an update for the Reiki Council has not been received.

There has been no response from the Sanctuary School, possibly because it closed last week according to the owners' website. However the same owners should have opportunity to respond on behalf of their school that remains open, the Reiki Council.

Was there an error with the second complaint submission for the Reiki Council? Does a complaint need to be resubmitted for the Reiki Council?

Catherine S. Colvin

October 25, 2007 Cardmember Services notification of response from merchant - The Sanctuary School via Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios


Thursday, October 25, 2007 dispute notification of response

October 4, 2007 through October 8th BBB complaint communications about the second complaint being deleted

Monday, October 4, 2007 12:23 PM through Thursday, October 8, 2007 BBB separate complaints

From: Denise Hines
To: cs colvin
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2007 4:55:33 PM
Subject: RE: no complaint confirmation - Reiki Council

Good Afternoon

Please resend your complaint .


From: cs colvin []
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: no complaint confirmation - Reiki Council

It occurred to me that you may be unaware The Sanctuary School closes in a few weeks and the Reiki Council will continue according to website announcements. The two schools are perceived as two separate businesses in the eyes of consumers. Is the Reiki Council not registered as a business?

The problems referenced in the complaint involved classes taken at both schools (according to the owners). Well documented problems initiated by the owners of both schools were also reported and are being investigated by the ISBE, IDPR and possibly the Attorney General's office dependent upon the outcome of the refund requested in both complaints. All communications have been or will be forwarded to or included in complaints with other authorities. To date, there are over 30 pages. More was not sent to the BBB because of size limitations of the online form.

The fact that the same problems occurred at both schools confirms both complaints are valid. Neither complaint is secondary to the other. Not to report both schools could contribute to allowing the problem to continue; and the school remaining open can similarly abuse future consumers under another name.

I am truly struggling to find logic in not reporting problems as they are. Even my husband just asked me, "so, if someone owns several businesses, can only one complaint be lodged?" I really don't understand. Any explanation that will clear up my confusion would be sincerely appreciated.

Catherine S. Colvin


----- Original Message ----
From: cs colvin
To: Denise Hines
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2007 2:32:53 PM
Subject: Re: no complaint confirmation - Reiki Council

Please don't do that. There is an important difference. They are not the same at all.


----- Original Message ----
From: Denise Hines
To: cs colvin
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2007 1:37:20 PM
Subject: RE: no complaint confirmation - Reiki Council

Good Afternoon

The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council are one in the same. All complaints go to the Sanctuary School . Therefore, complaint 94145503 has been deleted. If you have any further questions, inquiries or need to know the status of your complaint, please contact Ms. Kimberly Mullen at She is the manager that will be handling your complaint.

Have a good day


From: cs colvin []
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 12:44 PM
To: Denise Hines
Subject: Re: no complaint confirmation - Reiki Council

Complaint number 94145268 references The Sanctuary School. The email you responded to references the Reiki Council.

Because the same problem occurred at both schools run by the same owners using a single address, a second complaint was made for the Reiki Council. I took the time to file separate complaints, one for each school, to pursue a refund of my $2000 down payment and so future unsuspecting students might make more informed decisions.

Because no email response had been received for the Reiki Council, I resubmitted the complaint for the that school the next day. The second try returned a complaint number of 94145503.

Thank you for following up.

Catherine S. Colvin


----- Original Message ----
From: Denise Hines
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2007 11:53:29 AM
Subject: RE: no complaint confirmation - Reiki Council

Good Morning

Your complaint was processed on 10/4/07. An email was sent to you stating this. Your complaint number is 94145268. If you have any further questions, inquiries or need to know the status of your complaint, please contact Ms. Kimberly Mullen at She is the manager that is handling your complaint.

Have a good day

Denise Hines, Asst Mgr – Intake Services


From: cs colvin []
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 12:23 PM
Subject: no complaint confirmation - Reiki Council

Is it possible for someone at the BBB to confirm if a complaint was received for the Reiki Council in Glen Ellyn, IL , DuPage County , zip code 60137? I submitted a complaint for Reiki Council but did not receive a response that confirmed the submission. Asking because I wouldn't want to submit it twice.

If it was received by the BBB, how might I obtain a copy for my records? Thank you for your time and attention.

Catherine S. Colvin

October 8 2007 BBB third complaint # 94145903 Reiki Council filed per Denise Hines direction

Thank you for using the Better Business Bureau's Online Complaint System.
Your complaint has been assigned case # 94145903.
A confirmation will be emailed to :
Please print a copy of this for your records.

Filed on : October 8 2007

Filed by :
Catherine S. Colvin
7928 Woodlyn, Apt 107
Woodridge IL 60517

Filed against :
Reiki Council
799 Roosevelt Road Building 4, Suite 001
Glen Ellyn IL 60137

Complaint Description:
Supporting documentation is available upon request. Rick and Connie Vrenios The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council 799 Roosevelt Road , Building 4, Suite 001 Glen Ellyn , IL 60137 Attn: Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios of the Sanctuary School and Reiki Council This is a second formal demand for the full and immediate refund of my $2000 down payment, being sent to you directly because: 1) of no response from you and attorney information remains unavailable 2) there is no enrollment agreement signed by me in your possession 3) on September 13th 2007 it was confirmed your school was issued a Cease and Desist letter from the ISBE in May 2007, yet in June 2007 my $2000 down payment was accepted and a loan application was prepared by Rick then signed by me to be submitted by Rick with TFC for a $7500 loan to pay the remainder of a $5500 massage program and additional classes. There was no other agreement. ISBE approved schools are listed here: 4) aside from my $2000 down payment, no receipt for anything was provided 5) certification by you is as worthless as part of a program not completed because you failed to submit a loan that would have allowed me to complete the 660-hour massage program 6) considering this incident, I already paid more than I should to be a platinum member of the Reiki Council's Inspired Living Community only to have my trust and commitment to you obliterated by you through misrepresentation of yourselves and your schools 7) Rick's email makes and cites false accusations, agreements and circumstances. Allow me to present the issue as I understand it: Without an enrollment agreement or ISBE approved curriculum, you - Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios - accepted my $2000 down payment in June to submit a loan, referenced by both of you, then used my $2000 down payment without submitting the loan, and finally in Rick's August 2007 email refused to submit a loan you agreed to submit in June 2007. The $2000 down payment needs to be returned immediately. Respectfully, Catherine S. Colvin cc: emailed and copy hand delivered to Connie at The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council

Your Desired Resolution:
A full refund of a $2000 down payment provided for Rick to submit a loan with TFC to pay for a 660-hour massage therapy program and additional bodywork classes. Other than a very distorted email response on 08 03 07, Rick and Connie made no attempt to address this. An incomplete anatomy class holds no purpose for me, and though I've been told it shouldn't matter, I would be ashamed to inform the public I hold a Reiki certification provided by Rick Vrenios or Connie Vrenios. This case will be reviewed by a complaint specialist at the Better Business Bureau, and then forwarded to the business for their response. It is our policy to allow the business 30 working days to respond to your complaint. You will be notified when the business has responded.

This case will be reviewed by a complaint specialist at the Better Business Bureau, and then forwarded to the business for their response. It is our policy to allow the business 30 working days to respond to your complaint. You will be notified when the business has responded.

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October 5, 2007 BBB second complaint # 94145503 Reiki Council deleted by Denise Hines or Kimberly Mullen


Thank you for using the Better Business Bureau's Online Complaint System.
Your complaint has been assigned case # 94145503.
A confirmation will be emailed to :
Please print a copy of this for your records.

Filed on : October 5 2007

Filed by :
Catherine S. Colvin
7928 Woodlyn, Apt. 107
Woodridge IL 60517

Filed against :
Reiki Council
799 Roosevelt Road Building 4, Suite 001
Glen Ellyn IL 60137

Complaint Description:
Supporting documentation is available upon request. Rick and Connie Vrenios The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council 799 Roosevelt Road , Building 4, Suite 001 Glen Ellyn , IL 60137 Attn: Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios of the Sanctuary School and Reiki Council This is a second formal demand for the full and immediate refund of my $2000 down payment, being sent to you directly because: 1) of no response from you and attorney information remains unavailable 2) there is no enrollment agreement signed by me in your possession 3) on September 13th 2007 it was confirmed your school was issued a Cease and Desist letter from the ISBE in May 2007, yet in June 2007 my $2000 down payment was accepted and a loan application was prepared by Rick then signed by me to be submitted by Rick with TFC for a $7500 loan to pay the remainder of a $5500 massage program and additional classes. There was no other agreement. ISBE approved schools are listed here: 4) aside from my $2000 down payment, no receipt for anything was provided 5) certification by you is as worthless as part of a program not completed because you failed to submit a loan that would have allowed me to complete the 660-hour massage program 6) considering this incident, I already paid more than I should to be a platinum member of the Reiki Council's Inspired Living Community only to have my trust and commitment to you obliterated by you through misrepresentation of yourselves and your schools 7) Rick's email makes and cites false accusations, agreements and circumstances. Allow me to present the issue as I understand it: Without an enrollment agreement or ISBE approved curriculum, you - Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios - accepted my $2000 down payment in June to submit a loan, referenced by both of you, then used my $2000 down payment without submitting the loan, and finally in Rick's August 2007 email refused to submit a loan you agreed to submit in June 2007. The $2000 down payment needs to be returned immediately. Respectfully, Catherine S. Colvin cc: emailed and copy hand delivered to Connie at The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council

Your Desired Resolution:
A full refund of a $2000 down payment provided for Rick to submit a loan with TFC to pay for a 660-hour massage therapy program and additional bodywork classes. Other than a very distorted email response on 08 03 07, Rick and Connie made no attempt to address this. An incomplete anatomy class holds no purpose for me, and though I've been told it shouldn't matter, I would be ashamed to inform the public I hold a Reiki certification provided by Rick Vrenios or Connie Vrenios. This case will be reviewed by a complaint specialist at the Better Business Bureau, and then forwarded to the business for their response. It is our policy to allow the business 30 working days to respond to your complaint. You will be notified when the business has responded.

This case will be reviewed by a complaint specialist at the Better Business Bureau, and then forwarded to the business for their response. It is our policy to allow the business 30 working days to respond to your complaint. You will be notified when the business has responded.

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October 5, 2007 BBB first complaint# 94145268 The Sanctuary School

From: Better Business Bureau
To: Catherine S Colvin
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2007 8:30:05 AM
Subject: BBB Complaint Case#94145268(Ref#36-88256659-94145268-3-200)

Complaint ID#: 94145268
Business Name: The Sanctuary School of Therapeutic Massage and En

Thank you for contacting the Better Business Bureau. Your complaint was received by the Bureau on October 4, 2007 and has been assigned case # 94145268 in our files.

Your complaint has been applied to the following business:
The Sanctuary School of Therapeutic Massage and En
799 Roosevelt Road Building 4, Suite 001
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

The case has been reviewed by one of our Complaint Specialists and has now been forwarded to the business for their response. The business is allowed ten days to respond. If we do not receive a response from them after ten days, we will send them a second notification. You will be informed once a response has been received.

As this complaint progresses, you may also consider using BBB alternative dispute resolution services such as binding arbitration. For more details about arbitration, please visit:

We encourage you to use our ONLINE COMPLAINT system to keep up with the progress of this complaint. Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is a general e-mail address, please use the ONLINE COMPLAINT system. The URL (website address) below will take you directly to this complaint on our website:

Complaint Status Page

If the above link does not work for you, please copy and paste this URL into your browser:


Kimberly Mullen
Personal Services Resolution Specialist

October 1, 2007 transcript claiming 163 hours of classes though that is claimed twice between Rick's August 3rd email and the BBB complaint


Thursday, October 1, 2007 NON-continuing education transcript

October 1, 2007 Connie Vrenios' "proof" of licensure and practicing without a license



September 24, 2007 hand delivered second demand letter - no response

(Hand delivered on the 24th and a copy was emailed on the 25th)

From: cs colvin
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 1:27:57 PM
Subject: 2nd demand letter

Monday, September 24, 2007

Rick and Connie Vrenios
The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council
799 Roosevelt Road , Building 4, Suite 001
Glen Ellyn , IL 60137

Attn: Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios of the Sanctuary School and Reiki Council

This is a second formal demand for the full and immediate refund of my $2000 down payment, being sent to you directly because:

1) of no response from you and attorney information remains unavailable

2) there is no enrollment agreement signed by me in your possession

3) on September 13th 2007 it was confirmed your school was issued a Cease and Desist letter from the ISBE in May 2007, yet in June 2007 my $2000 down payment was accepted and a loan application was prepared by Rick then signed by me to be submitted by Rick with TFC for a $7500 loan to pay the remainder of a $5500 massage program and additional classes. There was no other agreement. ISBE approved schools are listed here:

4) aside from my $2000 down payment, no receipt for anything was provided

5) certification by you is as worthless as part of a program not completed because you failed to submit a loan that would have allowed me to complete the 660-hour massage program

6) considering this incident, I already paid more than I should to be a platinum member of the Reiki Council's Inspired Living Community only to have my trust and commitment to you obliterated by you through misrepresentation of yourselves and your schools

7) Rick’s email makes and cites false accusations, agreements and circumstances.

Allow me to present the issue as I understand it: Without an enrollment agreement or ISBE approved curriculum, you - Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios - accepted my $2000 down payment in June to submit a loan, referenced by both of you, then used my $2000 down payment without submitting the loan, and finally in Rick’s August 2007 email refused to submit a loan you agreed to submit in June 2007. The $2000 down payment needs to be returned immediately.


Catherine S. Colvin

cc: emailed and copy hand delivered to Connie at The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council

September 24, 2007 9:05:23 AM Card Member Services acknowledge dispute

(With no response to the first demand letter I continued with the dispute.)

Monday, September 24, 2007 9:05:23 AM

We have received your online request to dispute a credit card transaction on your account.

We would like to remind you to provide any supporting documentation you may have. Please send us this documentation, such as sales receipts, in-store credit slips, postal receipts signed by the merchant or invoices, within 10 days of the submission of your dispute.
Send this information to:
Attn: Cardmember Service - Dispute Resolution
P.O. Box 15299
Wilmington, DE 19850-5299
fax: 1-888-643-9624

When sending supporting documentation, please remember to include your name, account number and the case number we provided when you completed your online submission.

We'll contact you if we need additional information to resolve your dispute.


Cardmember Service

September 14, 2007 no response to first demand letter

(The first demand letter. Since there had been no effort by Rick or Connie Vrenios to resolve this matter, I began calling and finding out what people in these circumstances must do in order to follow up without giving up. The first call was made in August to my credit card company who first asked if I had sent Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios a formal demand to refund my $2000 down payment.)

From: cs colvin
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 2:55:36 PM
Subject: Demand Letter

Friday, September 14, 2007

Rick and Connie Vrenios
The Sanctuary School and Reiki Council
799 Roosevelt Road , Building 4, Suite 001
Glen Ellyn , IL 60137

Attn: Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios of the Sanctuary School and Reiki Council

This is a formal demand for the full and immediate refund of my $2000 down payment, being sent to you directly because:

1) your attorney information was not provided in the email below

2) there is no enrollment agreement signed by me in your possession

3) on September 13th 2007 it was confirmed your school was issued a Cease and Desist letter from the Illinois State Board of Education in May 2007, yet in June 2007 my $2000 down payment was accepted and a loan application was prepared by Rick then signed by me to be submitted by Rick with TFC for a $4600 loan to pay the remainder of a $6600 massage program. There was no other agreement and ISBE approved schools are listed here:

4) aside from my $2000 down payment, no receipt for anything was provided

5) certification by you is as worthless as part of a program not completed because you failed to submit a loan that would have allowed me to complete the 660-hour massage program

6) considering this incident, I already paid more than I should to be a platinum member of the Reiki Council's Inspired Living Community only to have my trust and commitment to you obliterated by you through misrepresentation of yourselves and your schools

7) your email below makes and cites false accusations, agreements and circumstances.

Those points clarified, allow me to present the issue as I understand it: Without an enrollment agreement or being an ISBE approved school, you - Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios - accepted my $2000 down payment for the purpose of submitting a $4600 loan referenced in emails by both of you, then used my $2000 down payment without submitting the loan. The $2000 down payment needs to be returned immediately.

Catherine S. Colvin

August 19, 2007 example of what led to my predicament

While researching the Reiki Council and The Sanctuary School, I recall being impressed by the presentation and availability of classes. Here is an excerpt of an email sent in a newsletter from Rick and Connie Vrenios via the Reiki Council. The NCE Exam Review is shown on the calendar of this newsletter for August 20 and 22. I have it in email still should anyone care to review it.

The discrepancy is that though Connie and Rick said I had to take that class right away because there wouldn't be another exam prep class in time for me to take the exam and be licensed by October. I had asked what would the students in Class 6 do for exam prep and Connie said they would have to study a lot. I thought she was kidding but she didn't appear to be, which indicated to me they would not be able to attend that exam prep class though that was not said either. Discussion changed immediately and that was that. This is a common example of how Connie and Rick avoid commitments and clear communications, specific to me in this instance because I don't know what the other students were eventually told. I have yet to find out what reason Connie gave the students Class 6 to explain why I was taking an exam prep class with a newly graduating class though I had barely been there myself.

Advertisements and newsletters from the Reiki Council website and all their websites interrelating to each other make it easy for people like me to take them serious enough to make life decisions.

For those who may not understand why I posted related websites on this blog, Connie and Rick Vrenios host those sites and instruct these classes even as they make untrue and unprovable statements to discredit me, even while discrediting themselves by ignoring basic facts like the loan application Rick Vrenios prepared and signed on June 13th, then Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios state is imaginary in their initial BBB response.

It is people like me who want to believe people are better than this, who fall so hard for those like Connie Vrenios and Rick Vrenios. Consumers should have a clear example of what can happen by associating with them.

Bronwen and Frans Stiene are well respected Reiki practitioners and the authored a book named "The Reiki Sourcebook". Here the Reiki Precepts are defined as:

For today only:
Do not anger
Do not worry
Be humble
Be honest in your work
Be compassionate to yourself and others
The Reiki Precepts may differ slightly between practitioners, but two constants are 1) working with honesty or honor and 2) showing respect or compassion.

My personal experience with Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios through their Reiki Council and The Sanctuary School demonstrated extreme dishonesty toward me repeatedly and now publicly through the Better Business Bureau for anyone who cares to notice. Connie Vrenios' and Rick Vrenios' respect and compassion was as lacking as their honesty with me. In my opinion, their behavior and actions toward me makes them a farce; mere opportunists with above average charisma looking for dupes like me.)
From: Reiki Council
To: Catherine Colvin
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2007 7:12:54 PM
Subject: Exciting News from the Reiki Council!
Dear Catherine,

Hello again! Please read this e-mail! We've got two Very Important Announcements! Plus, we've got a great line-up of late-Summer and Fall Classes coming up in the following exciting locations!

* Glen Ellyn, IL
* Racine, WI August!
* Scottsdale, AZ October
* Albany, NY September/October
* Dublin, Ireland November

August 6, 2007 note left for Class 6 when picking up the massage table

(Not a shining moment, but this letter accurately represents consistency, my confusion, intent, stress and depth of my concern. It wasn't just me who Rick and Connie Vrenios have attempted to scam, but my family as well. I was suddenly left explaining why I had regularly ignored red flags. I just knew that loan information would be available any day. We each pride ourselves on our ability to rise from adversities with our chin up. It was not a small amount of pride or self-confidence that plummeted when I had to face them and acquaintances saying I'm not sure how I lost $2000 AND I won't be completing the massage therapy program AND I'll be changing careers AND the people I said were so incredibly great turned out to be major disappointments in a big way considering massage is no longer an option though I clung to that stubbornly for weeks. It isn't a believable goal anymore.

I was worried about losing a very expensive massage table with several bolsters because there had been no response from Connie. I was still feeling very blindsided and disoriented from shock at Rick's email, such that I didn't even finish reading it until several days later. The note below was also written after midnight when I was exhausted and in the midst of moving on short notice. We picked up my massage table and bolsters on one of the moving trips so we were in a hurry and didn't want to speak with Connie or Rick anyway because of what they did.)

06 August 2007

To Jen, Lucy or Debbie,

Can someone please give Jen my number if she isn’t here today so I can make arrangements to pick up my massage table and bolsters. I wrote Connie and Rick asking about it, but there’s been no response. My cell # is (removed) and email is

Aside from the obvious that I probably shouldn’t have lent it out at all, which was pointed out to me during a legal consultation, I did make the table uniquely identifiable so it could be reported if stolen. I do that with everything, though this time it was in consideration of special events. Anyway, I’m trying to avoid making an appointment with the police to pick up this personal property from Rick and Connie’s school since that’s where Jen said it was left, though I don’t recall seeing it there.

Apologies for any disruption I’ve been part of, but it truly was not instigated by me. In a private discussion with Connie after that last massage class day I participated in, without apologizing Connie made an allusion to not having acted correctly that day when she said “there were just a lot of people going back and forth and a lot was going on. These things happen.” As of that discussion, I thought everything was ok.

Then I checked on my loan a few days later, BUT TFC said there was no loan. TFC said Connie told them I was not attending classes yet and the loan would be submitted when I started. I made a serious mistake in giving Connie and Rick a $2,000 down payment for a $6,600 loan for the full 660-hour massage program. They never submitted the loan with TFC, as they initially said they would within a few days. A month later is when things began getting odd in and out of class.

Now Rick’s email also states I chose this program as review though I made it clear from the beginning I believed I needed training from beginning to end. After the Reiki-ssage class weekend before last, Connie agreed I would be better off in the next class for massage and anatomy. Now Connie and Rick are saying I dropped out, when in fact the other person, Reiki Bob, declined that class per Connie and in an email from Reiki Bob to me. Then Connie said she could teach me alone. I believed Connie was trying to keep me going so I wouldn’t drop out because she had mentioned that, but I had no intention of quitting. However, after receiving Rick’s last email it appears they were cornering me into private tutoring for which they could charge me a lot more money (reference tutoring in Rick’s email) without my knowledge.

Rick’s email implies they will not submit the loan because I quit and expect to obtain a license during the 10-day grandfather period in January 2008. I don’t qualify. I brought that information to Connie because I thought it might help someone else. Rick and Connie have my previous school certificate and should know this. They should be at least as familiar with the regulations as I have made myself.

Rick’s email states I owe them $341.00. Rick’s email also states classes not included in the 660- hour massage program when I began, and private tutoring from Connie which I was not informed about until Rick’s email, consumed what remained of my $2,000 down payment. Of course now there’s no loan to continue classes, even if I could overlook the misappropriation of my $2,000 down payment and deliberate psychological manipulations.

I cannot adequately emphasize how Connie led me to believe one thing then another in private and in class until eventually even simple things stopped making sense. What I believed was a sincere attempt to help turned out to be painful poking and prodding sessions during which Connie would tear me down and build me up, all along herding me toward private tutoring. It’s nothing short of mental and emotional abuse.

I made myself a target by simply being honest. So others might avoid this situation, related authorities will be notified and this experience will be posted on my blog. I value and appreciate the time spent with each of you in class and sincerely regret the necessity for giving you this message.

Sincerely and Regretfully,
Catherine S. Colvin

August 4, 2007 no response regarding massage table

(altered only formatting for readability)

From: cs colvin
To: Connie Vrenios
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2007 2:27:02 PM
Subject: massage table

Please let me know when I can pick up my massage table and bolsters. If you prefer and Jen doesn't mind, she can bring them to my home or I can meet her in the parking lot at lunch on a class day to pick them up. Thanks


August 3, 2007 clarification of Rick's email response to me and related incidentals

This is a work in progress. When it reached 22 pages and still wasn't done, I decided to make time for brevity and accurate context, which Rick so adeptly set awry.

Lets start in May. After speaking with Rick Vrenios and Connie Vrenios over the phone and in person a few times, I had made it clear to both that I needed and expected to attend a full massage therapy course. I remained consistently adamant through all discussions that there was no other option for me.

Despite stating concerns about the massage school I had been certified by as the very reason for needing to take another massage class, Connie seemed to think just having completed a massage program would make it ok for me to be added to a class that had been in progress.

Being added to that ongoing class during the second week of June did not work well. Fortuitously, after the Reiki-ssage I class Connie and I mutually agreed I should be in the Tuesday / Thursday classes with ********, but Connie told me he declined. As of that day, July 24th, I was without a class to attend for the time being and assumed Connie would let me know when the next class began.

Only according to Rick, I dropped out. According to a notice found today (August 29th, 2007) at , no additional students were being accepted for enrollment for June 2007 and September 2007. I'm not sure when the next class would be, but I do know that through regular discussion with Connie, Connie was aware I expected to have my license in hand by October.

October was my goal from the very first and all discussions. At no time was I led to believe being licensed by October was an unreasonable goal.

August 3, 2007 Rick's email and first response to requests for TCF loan info

(altered only formatting for readability)

From: Reiki Council
Sent: Friday, August 3, 2007 2:20:15 PM
Subject: Your School Status


For the reasons outlined below, we have no intention of submitting your paperwork to the financing company. I expected you in school at the established time over the weekend for the required Chakra Wisdom & Energy Anatomy course to discuss your status. You did not show up to the class stating you decided you would take it another time.

Let me present the situation as Connie and I understand it.

1. You approached us stating that you wanted a refresher course because you had already attended massage school, but did not feel ready to pass the exam. Your interests were approaching this more as extensive continuing education, rather than a massage program.

2. When it came time to perform in class, it was clear that in some areas you demonstrated strong knowledge, but your basic level hands-on skills were severely lacking.

3. You indicated to Connie that your health issues were flaring up and creating problems that were interfering with your ability to function in your classes.

4. Connie scheduled a time for you to come in, let her personally experience your massage to determine how to best proceed with your training. You did not show.

5. 5. You then stated that you were having problems with strength issues and decided to drop from the current Swedish Massage course and be able to start the Swedish course over at a later date when you were healthier. This request was approved.

6. You stated that because you felt confused and a little lost because you joined an ongoing class, and wanted to drop from the Anatomy & Physiology Course and take it at a later date. We accepted you into the ongoing class for two important reasons: first, you stated that this was a review for you having already graduated from a massage program. And second, the ongoing class had completed only preliminary, and non-Anatomy & Physiology chapters. As you were informed, the chapters you missed dealt with the History of Massage, Professional Practice Requirements, and Sanitation. These were all chapters that have no impact on your Anatomy & Physiology studies, and can be covered at any time during your course. Even though your weekly quiz grades in the Anatomy & Physiology course were very good, Connie extended the offer to you to dedicate Tuesdays to your private tutoring to help you feel more comfortable. Your decision to drop from this course and start the next time it was offered was approved.

7. The Anatomy & Physiology and Swedish courses are mandatory before you can begin work in the Student Clinic and progress to advanced classes. The last half of the massage program is an interweaving of Muscle Anatomy (the advanced segment of the Anatomy & Physiology course), Pathology, and Deep Tissue Therapy. You can't take these classes without the foundations you chose to postpone.

8. You then came in and informed us that you were told that you would be able to get your license without taking the state licensing exam under a special exception the Illinois Massage Board was offering. You believed you may have been among those people who qualified for the state's grandfather clause but did not take advantage during the required period. The state was reopening the grandfather clause for a 10 day period and you stated your plans to utilize the opportunity to avoid the licensing exam. Connie supported your decision saying it would be a smart decision if you did in fact meet the requirements.

Because you were dropping from the classes and planning to get your license without the need to take the state licensing exam, it would have been unreasonable for us to submit your paperwork to the finance company and to start billing you for classes you did not plan to continue with at the present time.

Connie suggested that you focus on the less demanding courses that would be helpful to your health and did not require Anatomy & Physiology and Swedish Massage as pre-requisites. She suggested that you take the Reflexology course in August because you would then have a marketable skill that did not require a license. She suggested you take the elective advanced Reiki classes, because these would be helpful in self-care and would add other non-licensed skills with which to build your practice before re-entering the program. She suggested that you continue with the full Reiki-ssage Training and get your Certification in that, so you would again have a marketable skill that did not require a massage license to practice. These classes are not expensive, averaging $250 each, and it made more sense that you pay as you go for these individual classes offered throughout the year rather than having a $5500 payment agreement for classes you were not and may never be using.

As for your current status and your request for refund, our refund policy is quite clear. Unlike many higher education programs that offer no refunds after the first month of training, we offer refunds based on consumption for students who have completed less than 60% of the coursework. Since joining the class, you have completed 163 hours of the 660 hour program. Significant portions of this time is one-on-one private tutoring by Connie that is normally billed at a considerably higher rate to get you up to speed. You were also given an extra course. The program allows for either Usui Reiki I Course or Japanese Style Reiki I Course. You had both. The additional course is $200.

On July 19, 2007, you left a note for Connie and I. The note was written following a class during which you created a major disruption in class and became visibly anxious and confused, and you called Connie a liar in front of three classmates. Your outburst made your classmates very uneasy with the prospect of you continuing in their class. To quote exactly, you acknowledged, "So, I'm not certain if I'm still actually a student or not, but I definitely owe you guys for the classes I've been taking and need to make a payment arrangement."

In your letter, you acknowledge that you were receiving value that was worthy of payment. So, your refund is based upon use. Since your enrollment, you have consumed 163 hours of both standard class time and private one-on-one consultation and tutoring. Doing the math, we quote the cost of participation in the full program at a very reasonable $11.36 per hour. You have the $250 cost for books and materials that you have in your possession which is clearly stated as non-refundable and you have the additional $200 Reiki Class. In addition, you have an open balance for a $40 student massage. Your total consumption is $2341.68. With your written request for withdrawal and factoring the $2000 initial payment made, you have a remaining balance of $341.68 that is payable immediately. Your written statement that if you turn in your books and certificates of completion, you are entitled to a full refund is simply unreasonable and outside the scope of our agreement.

You made a health-based decision to withdraw from classes you did not feel capable of completing. With your withdrawal, we opened alternative options for you to continue to progress in a less stressful way by undertaking courses that were part of the program, but not as demanding, and whose pre-requisites you could meet to support you in your decision. These recommendations for a future path would have provided you with an opportunity to have a legitimate therapy practice and the ability to create an income for you. In response, you submitted a statement in writing indicating that you would not be continuing with the program in any manner.

Connie and I wish you well, and look forward to you clearing your open balance $341.68. As you know, we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, checks and cash for your convenience. Please call to schedule a time to pick up the items you have left here: your massage table and accessories, some books, and other personal items. If you feel you need to pursue this further, please have your attorney contact us.


Rick Vrenios

August 2, 2007 third written note about TCF loan info

(altered only formatting for readability)

From: cs colvin
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2007 11:49:49 AM
Subject: Fw: your note & etc.

Due to moving and not catching you available when we came by yesterday, we've been unable to discuss why our loan down payment was not used to initiate the loan for the $6,600.00 program. I called TFC again and spoke with M. Ingram who reiterated the school will contact us to explain what's going on. Since we have not heard from you or Rick, we don't know what to make of the situation.

Because TFC was told I am not attending school and no other money has been paid for classes aside from the $2000.00 intended as a down payment for a $6600.00 loan, we consulted with a contract attorney who suggested we return materials and any goods received in conjunction with a written request for the $2000.00 down payment to be returned since it has not been used for its intended purpose. A handful of books are currently packed, but I'll return them all with oil and certificates tomorrow Friday, August 3rd 2007. Without communication from you or Rick, there doesn't seem to be an alternative to relieving us of the responsibility of having materials that shouldn't be in our possession.

Today again, I emphatically asked TFC not to act on a loan submitted with my information. Because our money was not handled as we were led to believe it would be, and no one has contacted us to address the issue, we are no longer comfortable with me attending classes at The Sanctuary School or being affiliated with the Reiki Council.

Catherine S. Colvin and Mike Berg

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: cs colvin <>
To: Connie Vrenios <>
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 7:26:07 PM
Subject: Re: your note & etc.

Hi Connie,

In preparation for moving, change of addresses, etc., I called TFC again today to make sure loan payment information would be sent to the new address. TFC still doesn't show me in their system though. I called back to find out if I could apply for the loan myself and needed to know what the down payment would be. I was directed to an online form. However, that form was for online classes only.

I called TFC back and was told they finance loans for Gatlin Education Services mostly for online courses, then was transferred to someone who handles in-class loan applications. I called back and was told I could not apply for an in-class loan myself, that only a school could approve and submit a loan for me.

After calling TFC a second time, I was told someone would call me back and they did, saying you told them I am no longer attending classes, when in fact I have been and would be this next weekend. I attended the class referenced in your email below while you were present. This past week you and I only discussed putting the Anatomy class on hold, nothing else. In fact, you also outlined classes for me last Monday on a current schedule so I could focus on Reiki. The classes I've taken so far are included in the program that the loan should have been submitted for. Did something change? If so, I am completely unaware.

I also offered to pay the extra cost or fee you mentioned in order to expedite submission of the loan, because I thought that might have been an impediment. TFC said there isn't one to the best of their knowledge, though I would have to contact the school directly to find out because arrangements may be different than usual.

Because of these discrepancies, I was compelled to ask about the timing of loan submission and was told there was not a better or worse time to submit a loan. I don't understand why you would tell me that if it weren't true, but why would TFC say timing doesn't affect loan submission? If credit history was a consideration at all, which you said it was not, I have very good credit and would have been more than willing to sign a request for a credit check or provide one myself.

I am very concerned that we've paid a $2000 down payment which was not processed until June 13th per credit card transaction # 24418007165165142744302 and there is still no loan information available because I'm still not in TFC's system though I have been taking classes regularly during June 2007 until just this past week. Essentially I have been taking classes without paying for them, because the loan has not yet been submitted.

After considering the implications, when TFC called back I requested that they not accept any loan submitted in my name until this is resolved because I gave my copy of the loan application to you and no longer have it as a record to refer to. I left a voicemail for Paula, a TFC Manager, and am forwarding a copy of this email to for their records. Attached is the note left 07 19 07, which your email below references.

Catherine S. Colvin

----- Original Message ----

From: Connie Vrenios <>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:33:42 PM
Subject: your note & etc.

Hi Catherine -

We received your note - Yes, you are scheduled for this weekend's Reiki-ssage I class if you wish to continue. If you have the time tomorrow, please come in after 12 - before 12 it's too busy - & we can talk about things.

Rick said to tell you that since TFC levies their fees from the time they receive the application, he hadn't faxed in your paperwork yet - has to do with fiscal responsibility, not your student status. OK, breathe now.

I'll give you a call in the morning - I wasn't sure how late you stay up & didn't want to disturb your household.



In case the attached document isn't allowed through, here is the letter dated 07 19 07 that generated the email from Connie directly above:

19 July 2007

To Connie and Rick:

I called TFC early last week to inquire about my account# so I could make a loan payment before it was due. I called again last Monday morning. Monday evening TFC called me back to say they don’t show my loan information in their system. So, I’m not certain if I’m still actually a student or not, but I definitely owe you guys for the classes I’ve been taking and need to make a payment arrangement.

Also don’t know if I’m still scheduled for this weekend’s
classes for Reiki-ssage I. Could someone
please call and let me know? Thanks!


July 30, 2007 no response to second written request for TFC loan info

(It should be clarified here that my copy of the loan application was found inside a school book cover. Don't recall Connie returning it to me, so I'm supposing she may have put inside the cover one day during lunch or a break.)

From: cs colvin
To: Connie Vrenios
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 7:26:07 PM
Subject: Re: your note & etc.

Hi Connie,

In preparation for moving, change of addresses, etc., I called TFC again today to make sure loan payment information would be sent to the new address. TFC still doesn’t show me in their system though. I called back to find out if I could apply for the loan myself and needed to know what the down payment would be. I was directed to an online form. However, that form was for online classes only.

I called TFC back and was told they finance loans for Gatlin Education Services mostly for online courses, then was transferred to someone who handles in-class loan applications. I called back and was told I could not apply for an in-class loan myself, that only a school could approve and submit a loan for me.

After calling TFC a second time, I was told someone would call me back and they did, saying you told them I am no longer attending classes, when in fact I have been and would be this next weekend. I attended the class referenced in your email below while you were present. This past week you and I only discussed putting the Anatomy class on hold, nothing else. In fact, you
also outlined classes for me last Monday on a current schedule so I could focus on Reiki. The classes I’ve taken so far are included in the program that the loan should have been submitted for. Did something change? If so, I am completely unaware.

I also offered to pay the extra cost or fee you mentioned in order to expedite submission of the loan, because I thought that might have been an impediment. TFC said there isn’t one to the best of their knowledge, though I would have to contact the school directly to find out because arrangements may be different than usual.

Because of these discrepancies, I was compelled to ask about the timing of loan submission and was told there was not a better or worse time to submit a loan. I don’t understand why you would tell me that if it weren’t true, but why would TFC say timing doesn’t affect loan submission? If credit history was a consideration at all, which you said it was not, I have very good
credit and would have been more than willing to sign a request for a credit check or provide one myself.

I am very concerned that we’ve paid a $2000 down payment which was not processed until June 13th per credit card transaction # 24418007165165142744302 and there is still no loan information available because I’m still not in TFC’s system though I have been taking classes regularly during June 2007 until just this past week. Essentially I have been taking classes without paying for them, because the loan has not yet been submitted.

After considering the implications, when TFC called back I requested that they not accept any loan submitted in my name until this is resolved because I gave my copy of the loan application to you and no longer have it as a record to refer to. I left a voicemail for Paula, a TFC Manager, and am forwarding a copy of this email to for their records. Attached is the note left 07 19 07, which your email below references.

Catherine S. Colvin

July 24, 2007 first email from xxxxxxxx to me

(altered only formatting for readability and "x'd" through confidential information I believe would be inherently wrong for anyone to make public)

From: ""
To: cs colvin
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 6:49:11 PM
Subject: from the xxxxxxxx and byond...

Hi Catherine, Nice to get an e mail from you, I am not sure if I can handle all the book learning but it could be intresting... Do you have AT&T cell phone service, if so we can talk for free the old Cingular service...If not you can call me at 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx home to talk about (confidential) ... I go to (confidential) every (confidential) all day. I take Metra and the L from (confidential). I get there at 9am but I don't have a group untill 10:30am so I can show you around and introduce you to (confidential) people who run things etc. Give me a call when you have time and we'll chat... P.S. Your healing energy is real awasom too... xxxxxxxx 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx cell
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: cs colvin <>
> Connie said she would call me about a massage therapy class that could be held
> on Tuesdays. As just about everyone in last weekend's class noted, you are
> obviously a natural. If you decide to take the class, it may take a few weeks
> for books to arrive but Connie will let us know when we can start. I would be
> privileged to share the same space with a like-minded spirit.
> If you do get this email communication, I am also interested in the VA contact
> info.
> Catherine

July 24, 2007 notes about the new class Connie had offered

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:30:00 AM (approximate time)

Connie called to ask if I was coming to class. I was surprised and reminded her no one had called to let me know there was a new Tuesday and Thursday class yet, that Connie herself had said she would contact me after speaking with ******** and that had not happened.

I also mentioned I had emailed ******** sort of nudging to find out if he was interested because Connie had not contacted me about it yet. Connie then said ******** said he wouldn’t be able to attend. Connie then asked me if I wanted to come in that day.

Without opportunity to think about it and being put on the spot, I said I had made other plans but also didn’t believe a class of one person would be very beneficial; that I would like to wait for the next program to begin so I could take it in its entirety as we had agreed it should have been just one day earlier.

I reminded Connie she seemed to never take time off, maybe she should do something for herself. Connie said she would visit her mother which became the end of that discussion.

July 24, 2007 first email from me to XXXXXXXX about attending a new class

(altered only to remove the email address and to format for readability)

From: cs colvin
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 9:46:45 AM
Subject: test from Catherine from The Sanctuary School

Connie said she would call me about a massage therapy class that could be held on Tuesdays. As just about everyone in last weekend's class noted, you are obviously a natural. If you decide to take the class, it may take a few weeks for books to arrive but Connie will let us know when we can start. I would be privileged to share the same space with a like-minded spirit.

If you do get this email communication, I am also interested in the VA contact info.


July 23, 2007 discussion notes about taking the next massage program

Monday, July 23, 2007 09:50: AM (approximate- Connie agreed I should be in another class.)

Met with Connie after the previous weekend’s Reiki-ssage I class. Reminded her of our mutual agreement that I belonged in the next massage program so I wouldn’t miss anymore important classes, which others were based on. I emphasized that only after taking the last class, which should have been taken prior to the advanced Reiki-ssage II class, had other information begun to make sense.

I restated the surprise of others in the advanced class that I had not taken the first class first, and that now I understood more thoroughly the necessity of taking all the classes in the order they were designed. It seemed to work well for the other students and I was requesting the same opportunity.

Connie said she understood, it was probably a good choice, should work better and that I could take the Tuesday and Thursday class with ********. Connie said she would let me know when that class would begin. She mentioned the next day, but it didn’t seem realistic and I did not hear from Connie so I assumed she had been unable to reach ******** that quickly.

There was also the matter of ordering books and it took several weeks for mine to be ordered and arrive. I expected the same for ******** and was not surprised when Connie did not call.

July 20, 2007 event that led to discussion of taking another class

Friday, July 20, 2007 1:30:00 PM (approximate)

A call from Connie was received asking if I could come to the school to talk. I was out but said yes and arrived at about 1:30pm. I waited for literally a few hours with a handful of students and massage clients while Connie conducted school business. Connie apologized a few times and finally after 5pm we went to her office. During this discussion Connie attempted to justify her behavior toward me in class on July 16th by saying she expected more from me than the other students because I had already been through a massage class.

Once again, I reiterated the incomplete course I’d taken at the previous school which was why I was there to begin with; and that learning Reiki integrated with massage and the 100% exam pass rate were why I chose their school. Connie said she thought I was out of my mind, to which I responded she had behaved so oddly I thought she was out of hers. I told her I had no idea how to respond when she made that statement about finding a closet and slitting her throat. When I said I still had no idea what really happened during class that previous Monday, Connie said, “there were a lot of things going on, people going back and forth and these things happen.” There weren’t people going back and forth though there may have been a lot going on that I was unaware of, but she seemed genuinely apologetic without actually apologizing and I felt no need to press the matter.

Also, in the back of my mind were mentions during class by Connie of hot flashes and menopausal moments when she felt extraordinarily uncomfortable and disoriented. Being post-menopausal myself, I wrote the incident off as Connie having an untimely moment of extreme physical discomfort that briefly spiraled out of control. I decided it was simply up to me to get what I could out of the coursework and just study more materials in and out of class in order to pass the exam, but that I needed to pursue it with better direction.

During this day’s discussion I mentioned needing more organized direction to Connie. That became the precursor to an agreement Connie and I made immediately after that upcoming weekend’s Reiki-ssage I class, which led to Connie’s suggestion to me to take the next scheduled program with ******** so everything was taken in order. At that time, I thought we both agreed that was the only way a solid foundation of instruction could be built: by proper order of class instruction and practice.

Connie had also mentioned I shouldn’t quit or give up, though I’m not sure why she thought I would. I have been paying rent since June to share a massage room part time with another therapist in anticipation of practicing as a student and licensed massage therapist. When I first mentioned sharing this the room to Connie and Rick, I clearly recall saying it was for a year, which is also how it came about that I volunteered to share my unused time with other students to help them out. Connie thought this was a great idea and we told other people, which is why ****** wrote me about it in the email included in these communications.

Except for an inability to keep up with a tremendous amount of suggested reading material (non-class books and writings to research including Rick’s Chakra Wisdom book which I paid for separately from everything else), which even for a voracious reader like myself fast became overwhelming, I was not having difficulties that should lead anyone to believe I had any intention of quitting the class.

I asked about the loan again, hoping for clarification about the taxes Connie’s email said Rick claimed are levied by TFC. Connie was vague and didn’t actually respond except to change the conversation. I let it go. Several times during classes she had said Rick was disorganized and overwhelmed by paperwork. It seemed to be a safe assumption she had not followed up with Rick about the loan. It seemed polite to wait a little longer.

Connie was interrupted during our discussion in her office and eventually someone else needed it, so we relocated to a different meeting room. I waited again for a short time and when Connie came back we both decided enough had been said, everything was ok and I was to continue classes that upcoming weekend with the Reiki-ssage I class so I could begin practicing and earning money. It was nearly 6pm when I left and though I’d been there several hours altogether, our off and on discussion may have lasted 20 minutes.

July 19, 2007 first contact since Connie"s odd behavior on July 16th

(altered only formatting for readability)

From: Connie Vrenios
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:33:42 PM
Subject: your note & etc.

Hi Catherine -

We received your note - Yes, you are scheduled for this weekend’s Reiki-ssage I class if you wish to continue. If you have the time tomorrow, please come in after 12 - before 12 it’s too busy - & we can talk about things.

Rick said to tell you that since TFC levies their fees from the time they receive the application, he hadn’t faxed in your paperwork yet - has to do with fiscal responsibility, not your student status. OK, breathe now.

I’ll give you a call in the morning - I wasn’t sure how late you stay up & didn’t want to disturb your household.


July 19, 2007 – no response to first written request for TFC loan info

Thursday, July 19, 2007 – hand delivered first written request for loan info from TFC, left on reception desk)

(Because I had asked a few times for the loan information and was sidestepped each time, because in class on the 16th Connie reacted strangely after I pointed out her instructions were contradictory, because no one from the schools had followed up with me in any way, I thought I'd been dumped or whatever the equivalent would be. Despite Rick and Connie's statements, I never did anything wrong in class. I'm sure if I had caused the problems they said I did there would have been at least a discussion about it and documentation to support such an event. But here I was still insisting I couldn't be wrong about them and everything would be ok as long as I got the loan straight. Before this week in July, I had mentioned to Connie that it might really help lessen their concerns about money (which she mentioned during class specifically in regard to the small size of our class being insufficient) for everyone involved if the loan were taken care of. I didn't get a response again but figured the timely mention would do the job. Instead Connie began behaving strangely toward me in class. Particularly when I asked a question she'd either say I should go to medical school or "that's just common sense - everyone knows that" without elaborating further. It was during one of those events on July 16th that Connie became confrontational about facial massage for clients who had TMJ. Specifically when she asked why I was asking, I suggested TMJ seemed to be common and people with sensitive facial skin may not appreciate the assumption Connie had made that "everyone loves to have their face massaged". I explained that the little bit we'd done in class had caused my own TMJ to flare up and it still wasn't gone. Connie said everyone was not like me. I attempted to clarify by saying I wasn't asking about me, only using myself as a firsthand example. I was really just interested in learning something different to do and that if a massage therapist was not interested in giving a facial massage, what was something else that could be done in its place. Connie pressed for another example and I mentioned multiple sclerosis. Connie said very loudly "like who?!" For the remainder of that class when I asked a question she kept saying “that’s just common sense”. Why I'm not sure. But it was obvious she was upset by my questions and she never did explain other than to say "these things happen". Later, I also explained I wanted to work with patients who had fibromyalgia and at the veteran's hospital where a lot of people have nerve damage and skin sensitivities. Finally Connie said to just use Reiki.)

To Connie and Rick:

I called TFC early last week to inquire about my account# so I could make a loan payment before it was due. I called again last Monday morning. Monday evening TFC called me back to say they don’t show my loan information in their system. So, I’m not certain if I’m still actually a student or not, but I definitely owe you guys for the classes I’ve been taking and need to make a payment arrangement.

Also don’t know if I’m still scheduled for this weekend’s classes for Reiki-ssage I. Could someone please call and let me know? Thanks!


June 13, 2007 charge accepted by The Sanctuary School - temporarily refunded until the dispute is settled

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 charge accepted by The Sanctuary School

June 13 2007, page 2 TFC binding agreement aka loan application or contract

Wednesday, June 13 2007, TFC loan application page 2

June 13 2007 page 1 TFC binding agreement aka loan application or contract

Wednesday, June 13 2007, TFC loan application
Page 2 of the "no loan" prepared and signed by Rick Vrenios

Tuesday, December 14 2004 Reiki-ssage and the Illinois Massage Licensing Act

Rick's August 3, 2007 email to me claims I decided to wait until January 8th 2008 for a 10-day period that allows eligible massage therapists to be grandfathered in.

That claim directly contradicts other documentation provided by Connie and Rick Vrenios stating I expected to be licensed by October 2007, which I have consistently stated.

At this document dated December 14, 2004 is found. This excerpt from Rick and Connie Vrenios' own documentation represents them as authorities on massage therapy licensing (bolded emphasis is mine):

"Please join us on Thursday, Jan 13th at the Reiki Council's Glen Ellyn office from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.

In this final presentation of Reiki-ssage & the Law Meeing, you will receive all the information you need and you will have this final opportunity to ask any questions you may have. We can't emphasize enough how important this meeting is to you and your freedom to practice.

As of January 1, 2005, the Illinois Massage Law requires all massage therapists and all practitioners who describe their work as a form of "massage" to have a valid Illinois Massage License. This has serious impact on your freedom to work!

Reiki-ssage is exempt from require a massage license, but there are very specific rules that we must follow to maintain that exemption. Failure to comply with those rules will expose you to fines and potential criminal charges.

At this meeting, you will learn...

* Who qualifies for the grandfather clause to receive a massage license?
* What critical rules do we need to comply with to maintain the exemption?"
* ... points continued